Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







Animate Button if active

Hi everyone, can someone help me how to do this animation, if i click any of the red button, it will slide to the 2nd row and the color will become blue. Please see illustration on what i want to achieve.
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Is there a way to recreate this design from dribbble with html and css?

Hello everyone, i was browsing through dribbble and came across the following design which caught my eye. I really like the style of the headline with that text background. I tried to recreate it but didn't really get to a solution. So i'm asking if there is even a way to recreate that headline design with that white background in html and css and to be able to use variable text content, that you can pull from a database for a blog website. Thanks in advance for any tips and solutions. Here the link to the dribbble post:

How do Amazon and Facebook hide their response from the network tab?

Whenever you visit their site you can observe the response in api call is usually junk jQuery or is file it never shows json file format how are they able to hide information? What rendering method are they using and why can't we see their src file within the source as well?

Navbar going transparent in mobile view

I have this navbar which gets a transparent background for some reason in mobile view. Here is the codepen. You can see how it is transparent in the image....
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Responsive 2 column layout with header and footer

It should be simple, but I'm still so new to CSS. I'm using 11ty to generate static HTML. I have a CSS file along with it. I'm trying to make a 2-column layout, with header and footer, that looks fine on desktop and mobile. I accept that mobile probably looks different, but I haven't even got the desktop looking right yet. I've got a codepen here:

SVG's group floating inside container instead of origin'd at 0,0

SOLVED: added preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin" as an attribute to svg I have an SVG that contains a group that holds all the paths that make up the image. When I open the SVG in an SVG editor (like inkscape or adobe illustrator) the canvas is tight against the paths/g. However when placed in the dom this weird floating behavior takes place. See screenshot. I would like the path to try and rest at 0,0 position (top left corner) instead of floating. Note: the SVG is wrapped within a div of declared with and height. I can fix it by magic numbering the viewBox values but I am not entirely sure that's a good solution. Thoughts? I mostly want to understand whats happening here ...
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linear-gradient border

Im trying to apply a linear-gradient border to an element, so I just have a div and the ::before element with position absolute but the problem is the ::before wont go behind the div even with z-index:-1; Here's a quick jsbin to see what Im talking about :,css,output...

CSS Variables Question

I have looked and looked for an answer to this, and I have come across zero examples of what I mean, so I'm guessing it's not possible. I was wondering if there is a way to apply multiple values to a single variable. So, you could create one variable which dictates the font family AND the font size? Is that possible?? Thanks!...

"Add an overlay to a background-image with one line of CSS" - Border radius does not works

I am trying to follow the new tutorial about colour overlay with border-image. It works very well, but I lost the ability to controll border radius. Any suggestions?
overflow set up for hidden, but nothing changes. Thank you!...

Rec'd React libraries for fullscreen preview window component?

Looking for recommendations for any react libraries for a preview window component so I don't have to build it myself. I need something that can take an array of car images and return a fullscreen preview with left-right buttons of those images Thanks!...

how do I represent this properly in the dom

I am thinking of using a table but it sounds very bad in my head; I also ran into some issues I don't like while using flex box...
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SVG's not visible

Hello everyone, I'm building a clone of the Apple website to improve my HTML and CSS skills and I've run into a couple of issues: First of all, can anyone tell me why the SVG's for the Apple Watch and Apple Card aren't visible? If I remove the styling I can see them, but when I make them smaller, they seem to occupy the space, cuz the title is being pushed to the right, but the SVGs are invisible. Also, how could I make the gap between the red subtitle and the title of the Apple Watch smaller? Adding padding or margin doesn't seem to work....

Aligning sibling labels with card content

I'm trying to align the labels from the outer div with the contents of the card in the sibling div getting close but still not there yet here's my code...
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Why does position: sticky doesn't work when parent is set to overflow: hidden?

It's the second time in one week where this happens to me and though I have figured out how to solve it ( spoiler alert, use overflow: clip instead of overflow: hidden ), I still would like to know why is it that overflow: hidden and position: sticky are not compatible.

pls help me

hello guys i want create this type of curved box can anyone know how to create this please help me
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Is there a neat way to achieve this interactive grid setup?

I'm developing a site for a company, designed by their in house designer. They want their team grid to work like in the screenshots. So a basic grid with all members, then by clicking on a person's profile it expands to cover the grid, obscuring the other members. Is there a simple way to do this or is it only going to be possible with fiddly js? I suggested using gsap flip and having the selected team member take up two columns and two rows but the bios are all so long and they don't want to tr...
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n00b center grid question.

I am fresh out of bootcamp at the end of March and working on my own porfolio page, got this card section for work experience right layout and size i want but for life of me can not getting it centered without doing a bunch of hacky margin and padding tricks making the responsiveness damn near impossible.. anybody willing to help a n00b out?
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Create Hacker Website Login Page in html

Like Share and Subscribe My You Tube Channel : @WebDevXpert Create Hacker Website Login Page in html and CSS #ytshorts #hacker #viral #trending #loginform:

... center div 😡

This feels like newbie shit, but I don't understand why my H1 is not centering within row 2 and column 2? I've done all the place-items/content/self, justify, align, text-align on both the Header and the H1. Nothing is happening. Repo

Intrinsic style, or least specificity

This might be a silly question, but I want to create a custom component from scratch (an input element for forms that uses Javascript), and I'm wondering how to give it some initial dimensions (and other styles) in a way that can be easily overridden. There doesn't seem to be a way to apply styles with a minimum specificity, kind of like user agent styles, or is there? For example, the textarea in my browser (Safari) has a size of 155px by 26px which seems to be its intrinsic size ( as there isn't even a UA style setting that size that I can see in the web inspector. I would like to be able to set such an intrinsic size (and other styles) on an element so that it doesn't have either a size of zero (or just too tiny) or fills the whole screen/container -- like the textarea. And without the user/me later having to know/overpower some arbitrary specificity, a sort of !unimportant if you will. Am I making much sense here?...