... center div šŸ˜”

This feels like newbie shit, but I don't understand why my H1 is not centering within row 2 and column 2? I've done all the place-items/content/self, justify, align, text-align on both the Header and the H1. Nothing is happening. Repo https://github.com/AMarlonG/Rondo-prototype/blob/main/index.html Live test site https://amarlong.github.io/Rondo-prototype/
14 Replies
EIOā€¢2mo ago
Hi @ƅ Marlon G this isn't so clear. Can you possibly send a screenshot of what you expect to happen? Just something reslly descriptive of the issue and what you're going for
Mannixā€¢2mo ago
align-self: center;
justify-self: center;
width: 100%;
align-self: center;
justify-self: center;
width: 100%;
to the h1
ƅ Marlon G
ƅ Marlon Gā€¢2mo ago
... so why does the width: 100%; fix this issue? I did place-self: center centerwhich also works, and I did this before, but not with the width.
Mannixā€¢2mo ago
honestly don't know but maybe it has something to do with the fact that the svg doesn't have width and height attributes specified
ƅ Marlon G
ƅ Marlon Gā€¢2mo ago
Hmm, ok ... šŸ¤“ I might play with the svg later, but for now this works. Thank you very much! šŸ™šŸ¾
capt_uhuā€¢2mo ago
possibly relevant thing I ran into a while back with SVG. There's a default 300x150 size. Maybe it was centered properly but that 2:1 default aspect was causing some negative space that made it look not centered?
ƅ Marlon G
ƅ Marlon Gā€¢2mo ago
Thank you! I totally forgot about this question, so haven't been here for a while, but I will look into it.
clevermissfoxā€¢2mo ago
Could you clarify what you mean re default size of 300x150? On OPs project or in general ?
capt_uhuā€¢2mo ago
for an inline <svg> tag if you don't give it a width or height attribute, or a viewbox attribute the SVG will render to the page with a default width of 300px and default height of 150px. Same as the default size of the <video> tag this is not specific to the OPs situation
clevermissfoxā€¢2mo ago
Hmm I thought SVGs by default took up 100% of whatever container they were in. Very interesting
capt_uhuā€¢2mo ago
I'd have to play around with it to confirm but I think the 100% happens when you add a viewbox attr
b1mindā€¢2mo ago
It's all over the place depends what browser
b1mindā€¢2mo ago
FF gives a 300px width default to it .... We really getting off topic in a solved thread though šŸ˜