KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Axim on 5/23/2024 in #front-end
linear-gradient border
Im trying to apply a linear-gradient border to an element, so I just have a div and the ::before element with position absolute but the problem is the ::before wont go behind the div even with z-index:-1; Here's a quick jsbin to see what Im talking about :,css,output
5 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Axim on 5/13/2024 in #front-end
mousedown event set on parent but keeps getting child element
Basically the title, when having the mousedown event on a parent I only want the target to be the parent wherever I click on the parent but Im getting the child as the target when clicking even though there's no event set on the child. Here's a jsbin to illustrate it:,css,js,output If anyone can help me understand why it's behaving like that pls
4 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Axim on 10/26/2023 in #front-end
(Css Spec) Clarification on containing block definition
Guys I have a little question about containing block, By definition containing block is the nearest ancestor that is a block container(containing only block-level or inline-level boxes) or which establishes a formatting context but here in this code :
<DIV id="div1">
<P id="p1">This is text in the first paragraph...</P>
<P id="p2">This is text
<EM id="em1"> in the
<STRONG id="strong1">second</STRONG>
<DIV id="div1">
<P id="p1">This is text in the first paragraph...</P>
<P id="p2">This is text
<EM id="em1"> in the
<STRONG id="strong1">second</STRONG>
The spec says that the containing block for strong element is the second paragraph(id=p2), but if we follow the definition shouldnt the 'em' element be the containing block since it contains only inline-level elements therefore being the nearest block container? Anyone can enlighten me on this 🧐
30 replies