Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time πŸ™‚.







Create multi coloured border box using conic gradient

Hello, Folks πŸ‘‹πŸ» Problem: I'm struggling to add a multicolored border box around a black box content using a conic gradient. Context: I have a paragraph tag that contains content, and I’ve styled it to transform the paragraph content into a black box. Then, I added an imaginary box behind this content box using the::after pseudo-class to create a multicolored border around it with a conic-gradient....
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Styling React E-Commerce website with Tailwindcss or Material UI or both ?

Hi guys, I'm working on a freelance project of e-commerce website at frontend. I preference use both Tailwind and MUI in my project. And I want to get idea from you guys it is to complicate to use both of these in project. Share me your ideas. Thanks alot !

Ordered list base styles: is there a better way?

OK, this works, but it's ugly. Is there a less ugly way to implement some default chain of styling decimal > letters > romans > decimal… ? ```css :where(ol) { list-style-type: decimal;...

Can't pass props onto another component

in my App.jsx component, I pass the Template component the following props, but inside the Template component, I can't access them, idk why or what I could do ... Help!
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mobile view - scuffed?

I'm not entirely sure why this is like this, or how I fix it...? any ideas why the elements are only showing like 80% of the width?
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Adobe Photoshop

with Adobe photoshop, how developers interact with the platform

What Figma says

Hello, guys! I want to know what figma says here. For me it says that there is an image with background color of lightgrey 50%, but the designer says he's not puted any background color on it
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Running into an issue while messing with the allow-discrete for animation feature

I'm need to build a collapsable alert message and thought I would try to mess with transition-behavior: allow-discrete; to switch the alert message to display none when it's collapsed. The issue I'm running into is going back from display none to display block. I want to delay that animation a few milliseconds but it seems like the delay is ignored for display. Does anyone know if delay doesn't work with allow-discrete? I've tried using @starting-style to set it's display to none but that seems to be preventing it from going back to display block. Here is an example of what I'm doing. It looks fine when it collapses but switching back to the default state causes the text to wrap before the animation ends because it is immediately switching back to display block instead of being delayed until the alert grows to full width....

Making transition to new screen smoother

I'm making a todo app and I've designed it so that when I press the add button a new screen appears. Like this ( But the transition is too 'blunt'. How do I make it smoother? For reference, I'm using React + Tailwind; this is the relevant code that adds the screen....

Is adding max-width to a text a good way for a line break design in css?

i was trying to copy kevin powell's challenge 3, at first i was trying to figure out how to add a line break just like in the challenge 3 video, "Response layouts don't have <linebreak> to be a struggle" and came up by adding a max-width of 650px for that, same goes for the paragraph, i added a max-width of 520px .container { width: 100%; background: #23424a;...
challenge 3

What would be the best approach for my React Resume Builder?

As you can see in the screenshot, I want my user to be able to add the education he had and experience, but let's say he has multiple fields of study/multiple jobs he worked at, I'd need some guidance to understand how I could build it, because each field would require to duplicate every item inside my useState, so basically if he worked at 2 jobs, how would I code it in a way so there are multiple "companyName, positionTitle, etc." ? Thank you!
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i can make this layout using flexbox and wrap it? BUT how do i write on the images like "soccerVR" its written on the image
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On focus border changing component size When I focus on the input, the border is added, but for some reason, the other components change their size accordingly. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Here is the code for that particular element. Its parent is a flex container, for context....

restrain image height

Hey, I have a grid layout with an image and text. There's two rows, 100px and auto. I'd like the image to span the first row and the second, being the combined height of 100px and the height of the text, but i suspect since the row is auto it's using the images default height and being taller than i'd like, how would i get around this? Thanks in advance.

Rendering Patterns

If you'd like to learn more about React Server Components, I've written a series of articles exploring rendering patterns. This is one of them, specifically focusing on React Server Components. I'd love to hear your feedback! If you find any errors, have suggestions for improvement, or a different perspective, please let me know. I'm always eager to learn and grow.

Help creating a Curved header

Hi everyone, I have been asked to investigate how possible it is to re-create our current bland header into something like one provided in the picture here. I've tried playing around with border-radius and even clip-path cause I've seen that suggested, but to no luck yet. It's just that part that bothers me, rest of it I have from previous design, but that top border that moves into curved shape is out of my league right now. I was wondering if anybody has a good solution to a design like this? I've never encountered it before....
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Your Opinion

Hi guys I was wondering how do make these two divs responsive on ipad/wide screens as they are moved using position relative everyones opinion matters so drop it...
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Portfolio Website

I'm currently working on creating a portfolio website to showcase my projects and was wondering if you know of any good portfolio websites that I can use as inspiration. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

em scope in @media and @container

Am I remembering correctly that in an @media query, using ems or rems e.g. @media (min-width: 50rem) or @media (min-width: 50em) is referring the browsers font-size, even if you've changed your html font-size to something like 62.5% , its still using 1rem = 16px and 1em=16px? ```css :root {font-size: 62.5%; /dont do this/} .parent { font-size: 32px; /never use px for font-sizes!/} @media (min-width: 50rem) { ...

How to align 0..N items to start and 1 to end, with flex?

I want an item always aligned to the end, while any previous item should be aligned to the start. How can I do that, with flex?...
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