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Hi guys I was wondering how do make these two divs responsive on ipad/wide screens as they are moved using position relative everyones opinion matters so drop it
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62 Replies
snxxwyy2mo ago
If it was me I’d use grid for that layout, then it becomes responsive
Code-S ♛
Code-S ♛2mo ago
Hmmmm... didn't know i could do that But ill watch a YouTube video on it
snxxwyy2mo ago
yeah you can, it's pretty neat, i recommend becoming really familiar with grid, i'd probably do something like this
snxxwyy2mo ago
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Code-S ♛
Code-S ♛2mo ago
it is too complicted for me the content just doesnt overlap idk why? watched a video of kevin but he used 1/2 values and idk those, but i did come across a video in which a guy used flexbox and just gave -margin to overlap
snxxwyy2mo ago
you have to specify that you want the divs to overlap otherwise they don't, something like this
.grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 3fr 1fr 2fr;
grid-template-rows: 1fr auto;

.image {
grid-column: 1 / 3;
grid-row: 1 / 3;

.text {
grid-column: 2 / 4;
grid-row: 2 / 3;
.grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 3fr 1fr 2fr;
grid-template-rows: 1fr auto;

.image {
grid-column: 1 / 3;
grid-row: 1 / 3;

.text {
grid-column: 2 / 4;
grid-row: 2 / 3;
vince2mo ago
You can also use grid-template-areas too
Code-S ♛
Code-S ♛2mo ago
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Code-S ♛
Code-S ♛2mo ago
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Code-S ♛
Code-S ♛2mo ago
i am just too much of a beginner ig its just so confusing like i did play around and got the box on the image but it just wont go to the bottom toooo hard for me IT HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY 2 HOURS i was trynna figure this grid thing 🥱 going to sleep
snxxwyy2mo ago
you don't have 3 columns in your code, you have 1fr 2fr. the third column is essential for the overlap, you need to put grid-template-columns: 3fr 1fr 2fr;
Code-S ♛
Code-S ♛2mo ago
My mom will beat me if I turned the PC on now
vince2mo ago
Man what are you doing trying to learn coding then 🤣 enjoy your youth Plenty of time to stress about this stuff in a few years or whenever Take advantage of your youth 🙂 and chill
Code-S ♛
Code-S ♛2mo ago
you see my grades aint looking so good so i have no option 😔 trying rn i am tired BRUH it just doesnt overlap the image man idk why i am moving to the next section for now
clevermissfox2mo ago
You can't overlap cells with grid-template-areas unfortunately, but if you just want access to the grid-area name you can write your template with named lines
grid-template-columns: [img-start] 1fr [text-start] 5rem [img-end] 1fr [text-end];
& .my-img {grid-area: img;}
& .my-text {grid-area: text;}
grid-template-columns: [img-start] 1fr [text-start] 5rem [img-end] 1fr [text-end];
& .my-img {grid-area: img;}
& .my-text {grid-area: text;}
And you can also specify different names for columns vs rows if you need to then assign it to the relevant grid-column or grid-row property on the child . I love area names so anything I have to change in a query is all changed on the parent. I don't have to revert all the children's fixed cells grid-column: 2/6; grid-row: 1/3 on every child
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