Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







React --> One horizontal scroll bar to handle a multi-div timeline

I'm trying to make a timeline that has multiple rows: [Group A Div [Div A Title here]: [Div A with multiple elements inside] [Div B Title]: [Div B with multiple element inside]...

Is it possible to add links to a table?

i am trying so when i click a row it will link to a spesific page? ``` <table> <thead> <tr> ...

Height of div auto adjust text

How to enlarge the height of the div when you shrink the size of the page so as not to have overflowing text ?

Has anyone been able to solve Stacking Context issues between container queries and z-index?

The screen shot shows the issue Container Queries has with z-index. If I turn off container queries, the select dropdown is above. I suppose I could use the native select, but..... 😦 I've been able to use RGBA to handle opacity stacking context issue, but I can't find a work around with z-index....
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Help with accurately matching CSS from designs

I am having issues where my code does not always match the design visually. I feel I am missing a topic or something to help bridge the gap. Can anyone help. This is an example.
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Scrolling past loading screen

I've implemented a loading screen while all the gifs in my website is loading but I've found that even while it is loading I am able to scroll past it since it is just covering one section. Is there anything I can do to disable scrolling while it is loading?
window.addEventListener('wheel', handleScroll);
window.addEventListener('wheel', handleScroll);

Please do we have any javascript course just like this conquering Responsive layouts?

Am going through the so called tutorial hell while learning javascript.. I need a place I can explicitly learn javascript

Help with Iframe carousel overflow

unable to hide Iframe overflow and maintain the iframes given dimensions

How to Make Full-Width Items in a Container with Padding in CSS?

I'm trying to create a layout where blue and green rectangles (background-color) take the full width of the screen while the text should keeping a padding inside the container. Here is my HTML and CSS code: The problem is that the rectangles elements are not taking the full width of the container because of the padding. How can I make these items take the full width of the screen while keeping the container's padding?...

Help me with making responsive web design 😅

Problem: I am currently having trouble with making a responsive web design. Context: I just started learning HTML and CSS, and I am currently learning JavaScript. Here is the video and the screenshots....

Masonry / Mosaic layout

This is a mosaic / masonry layout I created in Figma for my portfolio site. I want to add images to each of those divs and wrap them in a href which either takes the user to a new page or show a lightbox that will show an enlarged version of the image. The problem is the images not fitting the dimensions of the divs thus not forming the layout. How do I know what dimensions each div is so I can create the images accordingly? The code for the css grid div is:- display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); grid-template-rows: repeat(7, 1fr);...
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Tailwind Typography's weird values

Tailwind uses some em values with lots of digits, e.g. 0.5714286em. Where do those come from? Is that some golden ratio-based thing? I think 0.6em probably looks the same for any reasonable font-size at any resolution.

Flex 1

Can someone explain how does an element with flex 1 and another element with 320px begin to wrap next line? ```js <Container maxW={"960px"} py={[4, 4, 16]}> <Flex justifyContent="center" gap={"12px"} wrap="wrap"> {/* Left Side starts below */}...

Cells growing unexpectedly

When I click on one of the cells it adds a paragraph with a "x" or a "o". The issue I'm confronting is that the columns grow when it is populated by a paragraph, why does it happen? How can I prevent it?

nth-child, index()

Hello everyone , I have 23 divs each containing 210 spans. When I click on a span with certain number it gets a red outline as a highlighting and I want to copy this outline to all spans with this number in all divs. So far I have this code using nth-child and index(). It works but the problem is that index is 0-based so when I click on a span number 2 I get outline on span number 1. I know there is a trick with adding +1 but I can't figure out how to add it in this specific case. And I don't kn...
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Need Help with Creating a Rotating Advertisement Stripe on My Website

i'm trying to create a rotating advertisement stripe for my website, but I'm having trouble getting it to work as intended. I've set up a CodePen with my current code. Could someone with CSS expertise take a look and help me complete it? Here is the link to my CodePen: i have provided image what I'm aiming to achieve in codepen output....
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Why does a jpg link take up more vertical space than just the jpg?

I have the following code: ``` <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">...

grid-template-rows with named columns for advanced/flexible/automatic layouts

I am trying to make some components (like cards) more flexible by using grids with named columns / named rows to place content with some sort of paddings, but without the need of using paddings.

JavaScript E commerce shop

Guys i wanted to ask u something i am working into a React project but I am finding it hard to implement cart logic so basically , I am using redux to add and remove items i am finding it hard to do it by myself is this common?