Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







highlight php code in pug files (VSCode)

Hi, so i want to highlight php code in pug files. I am using VSCode. I have tried to look for extensions for this but i cannot find. The pug code is highlighted properly but not the php code. Is there any way to fix this? Btw, why is there no pug tag to choose here in #front-end :/...
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Best way of achieving layout with merging columns

so im designing this column layout with a large centre column and a side column but when it condenses on smaller screens I want to merge the columns and im not sure what the best way would be.
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Looking for one on Kevin's videos!

He made a video that I have seen before but now can't find it, He was styling multiple cards on a webpage using a technique I have never seen before. I have uploaded an image as it looks something like this, I know it's not super descriptive but I'm hoping someone else remembers as well and can link the video?
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sorry to bother you, but I could really use your help with this CSS question for my college class! We have been given a set of HTML attributes used in a CSS selector, and our task is to determine the number of each type of selector (IDs, classes, etc.). for ex : ...

one sided slanted button

Whats the cleanest way to achieve this design? I want to be able to make it responsive no matter how tall the button is.
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1px separation between two divs

The div that contains the absolutely positioned wave svgs has no set height. The contact section below has no set height. Zooming in and out shows it if it's not showing itself already. Sometimes just scrolling makes it pop out. ...
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How do i center the logo and the nav items perfectly

how do i center my logo and my nav list perfectly in mobile mode, and what is causing that extra spacing on the logo?

Using media query with each property

Suppose I have a div which is to be displayed only above lg screens. I have a button inside that div. Should I use lg with each property of the button or not? ```html <div className="hidden lg:block"> <button className="text-white w-max hover:bg-green-800 py-4 px-6 rounded-md"> Contact sales...

Styled File Input Keyboard Accessible

How do I make this file input keyboard accessible without using js. Codepen:

Weird browser lag while animation runs

Hi! I've been fiddling with css animations recently and when the animation starts and ends theres a weird lag. Here is the link to the website! Do let me know the cause of the problem, thanks! (I've used transform: translate() btw)

Problem with Imgage not filling in space is caused by padding

So I am struggling with this problem and I believe it has something to do with the <picture></picture> element because without it there is no problem. Still, I am using this element because I want the image to change to another at different screen sizes. I have tried a lot of solutions and can't figure it out any help would be highly appreciated ❤️ ```<picture class="card__pic-img"> <source srcset="/images/image-product-mobile.jpg" media="(max-width: 600px)"...
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How do you manage elements on the edge of the screen / out of the grid as screen scale up

I’m curious about how you handle situations where a designer places elements on the design mockup right on the edge of the screen / out of the grid. This positioning might work well a specific screen size, or on smaller screens, but as the screen size increases, it can lead to awkward or unintended placements. For instance, putting a max-width helps control the layout, but it doesn’t always align perfectly with the design intentions... I’m interested in hearing how you approach this—do you have any go-to strategies or techniques for keeping elements well-positioned as screens grow? let me show you some exemple of what i mean with the images :...
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does anyone know CSS grid well?

I am trying to arrange my project using the CSS grid , but I am failing miserably ! The first image is how I wanted it to be , and the second is my image , I can share the code via dm , can't share here , please if you know grid , help me out... #front-end...
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How to make 1 row with columns that are resizable in width by the users?

Here are some criteria to help you understand what I want. A layout with 1 row and X number of columns. The initial width of the columns should be based on its content. The user should be able to resize the widths of the columns. All columns have a min-width that should be respected....
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Container Queries in Grid environment

I know that you need to add a wrapper to grid items that is the container for an item to adapt to the track size of a grid when using container queries. I’m wondering if anyone knows of any methods to avoid needing to add this containing element and use the track itself as the container?
I’m not hopefully but wondering if anyone knows of something I’ve not seen before....

I was to have a dialog automatically show up over my hero section (i.e. announcement).

What's it called? And does Kevin have a video on it? Or maybe point me to some examples. Thanks Phil...


can anyone explain findIndex in js how is the workflow in brief.