does anyone know CSS grid well?
I am trying to arrange my project using the CSS grid , but I am failing miserably !
The first image is how I wanted it to be , and the second is my image , I can share the code via dm , can't share here , please if you know grid , help me out...

14 Replies
It seems pretty similar, what's the part you have problems with? The boxes in the bottom?
It is not similar I have increased the sidebar height to 150vh and I do t want to do that, plus there is an extra space in diagnosis history , I don't want that , third look at the last column how above lab results patient info's height is a little bigger than lab results, I want that
Can you share the css of the grid setup?
Only the bit that controls the grid
I don't mind sharing the complete css , but can't share the react code
Should I share that on codepen
"It is not similar I have increased the sidebar height to 150vh and I do t want to do that"
may I know what happens if you don't set the sidebar height to 150vh?
"there is an extra space in diagnosis history"
are you using heading tags? they have margin by default. you can set the margin to 0
you just have to create 3 columns
Thanks for the help , I solved it , I was using trial and error method and removed all grid area code and instead used the old fashioned way by using grid column and grid rows , also for the sidebar i removed extra height and set it to 100 vh and flex - grow 1 , it worked

Just need to do media queries now , thanks for the help , hopefully media queries on the grid will be easy.
If you just need the cols to stack them put your current grid code into a min-width media query and then outside of that query the patients, diagnosis history and profile will stack for mobile . Instead of undoing your grid for a max-width query
Nah man , it will not work for me , I have a complex code here
I did try but it broke all the atyles
It’s many parts of a grid yes but you just need to break it down into pieces. Usually why people add in complexity so you’re not having to undo and break everything when you just want a one column layout for mobile. You’ll get it done !
Can I share my code with you over the dm?
If you want to send a codePen or codesandbox sure but disclaimer I’m not a grid expert