1px separation between two divs

The div that contains the absolutely positioned wave svgs has no set height. The contact section below has no set height. Zooming in and out shows it if it's not showing itself already. Sometimes just scrolling makes it pop out. The svgs have no stroke just fill. Made on inkscape. Problem is on chrome, edge, and firefox. What I've tried: -Editing the svgs -Giving wave container a set height -giving margins to surrounding containers to identify where the separation is happening -wrapping all the containers in another container and flexing them column -putting the svgcontainers in the previous section instead of it's own div in between the sections -line-height: 0 and display: block to images referencing the svgs -and im sure a few small things i threw around and don't remember Here's the code-pen for the code, but not much visualization. https://codepen.io/healspls/details/zYVmEZK Here's the deployed website location, very rough draft https://ayesha-mock-website.netlify.app/ Thank you for taking the time.
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21 Replies
Bighealspls2mo ago
Sorry, I forgot to include the "How To Ask Good Questions" guideline. I don't want the 1px line there. How do I remove it? I'm using html, css, and javascript on this website.
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2mo ago
Your codepen isn't showing any images and on top of that it doesn't seem possible to edit it so it is hard to test much there. On your deployed website I can't see any gaps on Firefox but can see the gap on Chrome. It appears to be coming from your animation and, specifically the skew. If you remove that, the gap goes away.
Bighealspls2mo ago
The codepen was pretty much just for the code. I was in bit of a rush, but I'll get the svgs in there and clean it up so it can be worked on. Removing the skews seemed to help mostly, but I still get a line when I'm zooming out. It's inconsistent though.
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2mo ago
The strange thing was that I couldn't edit or even fork it. Though I have just tried again and today it is letting me so probably an issue my end 👍
Bighealspls2mo ago
:] thanks for taking the time Chris, I'm currently working on making the codepen better
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2mo ago
I couldn't find anything else in the code that would cause the line. I thought that it might have been the typical "block" issue with images but that was not the case. The only way I could remove it was by turning off the animation completely or by, as I mentioned here, removing the skew within the animation.
Bighealspls2mo ago
Hmmm dang. I wonder why an animation would cause this.. Thank you for your time, I guess I just gotta keep digging into this.
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2mo ago
I'm not actually seeing any line on Chrome today
Bighealspls2mo ago
Inconsistent problems are the worse worst* haha I'm gonna try and change the svgs to pngs and change the css accordingly I'm in the "not really sure how any of this will fix this" territory
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2mo ago
You could also look at using SVGs directly (ie not in the image tag) and animating them.
clevermissfox2mo ago
I have had the same issue on iCodeThis when adding svg shape dividers from certain generators. Where did you get this particular svg?
Bighealspls2mo ago
Totally gonna try that too Chris, thanks. I made it from scratch on Inkscape, so I do worry if it's something wrong with one or all three of the svgs.
Bighealspls2mo ago
Looks awesome, if all else fails, I'll definitely go the way of inline. Thank you for this example, I'll learn a lot from it. Im curious Chris, how did you make those waves paths so quickly?
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2mo ago
I actually already had them on this iCodeThis challenge from a few months ago https://icodethis.com/modes/design-to-code/264/submissions/267599
Bighealspls2mo ago
Do you remember if you grabbed them from somewhere or made them for that challenge? I think Kevin Powell linked a website that creates them actually..
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2mo ago
I probably got them from somewhere as I am not very good with curved paths 😆
Bighealspls2mo ago
Yea it was a paaaain making it on inkscape hehe. Im completely new to inkscape. I know I've said it a bunch already, but thanks a lot for the help, I really appreciate it. I'm gonna keep chipping away at this. Finding a problem and solving it by doing a different process erks me caues i never found out the problem with the original process. If all else fails then im gonna go your suggestion. I'll update later.
Bighealspls2mo ago
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Bighealspls2mo ago
I gave my div containing the svg waves a height of 100px. Gave each wave a height of 100%. Translated that div on the Y axis so that it went under the section below it. Since the div containing the waves comes before the section below it in the DOM, it stacks under without any background-color overlaps. Really easy solution, but I wish there was a solution that wasn't hacky.
body {
background-color: black;
.wavy-bg-rel {
position: relative;
height: 100px;
background-color: black;
.wave-container-top {
transform: translateY(20%);
.wave-container-btm {
transform: translateY(-20%);
.top-wave {
height: 100%;
.btm-wave {
height: 100%;
body {
background-color: black;
.wavy-bg-rel {
position: relative;
height: 100px;
background-color: black;
.wave-container-top {
transform: translateY(20%);
.wave-container-btm {
transform: translateY(-20%);
.top-wave {
height: 100%;
.btm-wave {
height: 100%;
<div class="wavy-bg-rel wave-container-top">
<div class="wavy-bg top-wave long-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg">
<div class="wavy-bg top-wave short-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave-test.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg">
<div class="wavy-bg top-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave-test-2.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg">
<section class="contact-section"></section>
<div class="wavy-bg-rel wave-container-btm">
<div class="wavy-bg btm-wave long-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg rotate-svg">
<div class="wavy-bg btm-wave short-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave-test.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg rotate-svg">
<div class="wavy-bg btm-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave-test-2.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg rotate-svg">
<div class="wavy-bg-rel wave-container-top">
<div class="wavy-bg top-wave long-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg">
<div class="wavy-bg top-wave short-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave-test.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg">
<div class="wavy-bg top-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave-test-2.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg">
<section class="contact-section"></section>
<div class="wavy-bg-rel wave-container-btm">
<div class="wavy-bg btm-wave long-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg rotate-svg">
<div class="wavy-bg btm-wave short-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave-test.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg rotate-svg">
<div class="wavy-bg btm-wave">
<img src="Styles/svg-wave-test-2.svg" alt="" class="wave-svg rotate-svg">
This makes me think even more that it's an svg problem instead of me making bad svgs on inkscape cause im a noob xD/
clevermissfox2mo ago
It was also browser specific, had the line on one browser but not another . My first thought was also a display block situation but. I think I just hacked away at it with some kind of margin
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