Flexbox and borders
Framework vs Vanilla JS
nav ul not taking whole height space
transform chain positions - how is it organizing these?
Creating a responsive figure with caption, without using layout models (i.e grid, flexbox)
Image Caption width of Image
Carousel not working even though Javascript is Correct:
<div className='w-full h-auto flex gap-72 justify-center'>...
Why the container does not work?
HTML elements incompatible with different device resolution
Not the same in other browsers
Scaling/Dimension problem
eventlistener JS
Neon Button
Prevent tab navigation on child elements from a "collapsed" element
property, which hides the elements inside of it visually but are still present in the DOM. Because of this, they are still reachable through tab navigation, but I'd like to avoid those items from being interacted with when the accordion is collapsed.
I thought that using tabindex="-1"
on the accordion or the list parent would be enough but it seems this attribute does not cascade to the children. Is there an easy way to do this using only HTML/CSS?
https://codepen.io/D10f/pen/MWZMOvx...Notification on icons
can anybody help me to build this effect.
responsive videos, loaded based on view port width
Div element should have same height based on the background-image height
Would you make this a table?
Adding bc to a buttton