Carousel not working even though Javascript is Correct:

I am creating a portfolio and one of the features I've provided is a carousel where you can scroll through my monthly music rotation. I have defined the function for the forward and prev buttons the result is I'm not getting a response but the console is reading it. Here's my code below:

<div className='w-full h-auto flex gap-72 justify-center'>
<button onClick={handlePrev} className='w-8 h-8 hover:bg-white/20 rounded-full flex items-center justify-center transition ease-in duration-800 animate-carousel-left'><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faChevronLeft} style={{color: "#ffffff", fontSize: '16px'}} /></button>
<button onClick={handleForward} className='w-8 h-8 hover:bg-white/20 rounded-full flex items-center justify-center transition ease-in duration-800 animate-carousel-right'><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faChevronRight} style={{color: "#ffffff", fontSize: '16px'}} /></button>

<div className='w-full h-auto flex gap-72 justify-center'>
<button onClick={handlePrev} className='w-8 h-8 hover:bg-white/20 rounded-full flex items-center justify-center transition ease-in duration-800 animate-carousel-left'><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faChevronLeft} style={{color: "#ffffff", fontSize: '16px'}} /></button>
<button onClick={handleForward} className='w-8 h-8 hover:bg-white/20 rounded-full flex items-center justify-center transition ease-in duration-800 animate-carousel-right'><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faChevronRight} style={{color: "#ffffff", fontSize: '16px'}} /></button>
Function for animation
const [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(0);

const sounds = [

// Defining Back and Forth Functions

const handlePrev = () => {
setCurrentIndex((currentIndex - 1 + sounds.length) % sounds.length);

const handleForward = () => {
setCurrentIndex((currentIndex + 1) % sounds.length);
const [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(0);

const sounds = [

// Defining Back and Forth Functions

const handlePrev = () => {
setCurrentIndex((currentIndex - 1 + sounds.length) % sounds.length);

const handleForward = () => {
setCurrentIndex((currentIndex + 1) % sounds.length);
1 Reply
Jochem2y ago
is this all your code? A live example really helps too

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