responsive videos, loaded based on view port width
Div element should have same height based on the background-image height
Would you make this a table?
Adding bc to a buttton
button collapsing with footer
problem when using javascript to get the actual viewport height
how to export timeOut variable in JS
Recreating Polestar website's zooming in video on scroll
Is it possible to adjust section heights for different screen sizes?
css grid: how does it decide the width of the columns/height of rows ?
repeat (3, 1fr)
or repeat (6, 1fr)
and the content was all equal so they needed all equal space; vrey neat and tidy. But i keep running into challenges on icode this where i dont want it to be 1fr or any set value, i just want it to fit to the content exactly and then be able to set the gap as needed.
In the example with the yellow bg, the last column is way wider than the content, and there is no width set on the parent with display grid. where is all that extra space coming from? How does it decide the width of that column? ...Border-bottom
How to keep track of steps/step #'s in a multi-step form with JS?
What is the best way to rack up that jank
I want to know how to do this as best as possible....
How to make responsive cards with flexbox
Border image
OOP Classes use cases
Help with math in SCSS
flexbox and border-box
box-sizing: border-box
? I have this code and the hover state of the buttons move everything around when the border is added. I am not sure if border-box isnt working because i dont have an explicit width on them or if its because they are flex-items. Does anyone have a definitive answer? amount of columns depending on children size