How do I create this horizontal scroll while stopping the user from scrolling pass?

I found a cool website and while looking scrolling through it when I get to the "The Experience" it stops me from scrolling and it horizontal scrolls before I'm allow to scroll down more. How do it do this?! This is COOL!!!!
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3 Replies
Jochem16mo ago
they're using GSAP one of the scroll features to be exact
Mimo Duo
Mimo Duo16mo ago
Heya! If I were gonna do it I would make a container with a height equal to a few times the window height, make the grid of cards position sticky at the top, then css translate the grid based on a JS calculation that takes the scroll distance from the top of the component to the end into account!
MarkBoots16mo ago
you could have an "mousewheel" evenlistener on that section. prevent the default scroll and increase the scrollLeft position of that element by the event.deltaY but a library like gsap makes it a lot easier, it will take care of all edge cases and helps with different input devises (mouse, pointer, handgestures, etc..

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