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Server crash

Server randomly crashes and the only plugin from the crash log is "better structures", however the chunks are pre-generated by chunky and I also got reply from the author that it has nothing to do with the plugin from his knowledge. What are some other possibilities and how may i fix that?

Mod that syncs game time with IRL time, in terms of daylight and night-time

So essentially, I'm wanting to know if there's a specific mod that someone knows about or suggests or recommends, for literally just the use of thinking the game with time of day, in terms of like, if it's 12:00 or 1:00 in the afternoon, and the sun is like really high in the sky but not directly above you, then the game replicates that, essentially... Same thing with night-time, as well Would love to use this specific kind of mod, if it exists, honestly...
I will be assuming wildcard version as that is not mentioned

Add Friend Method

Title says it all, How do I add the "Add Friend" method to my server?

Custom textures

I'm doubting whether I should start making custom textures for my server, primarily just for armour in special crates and such. But I'm scared that having to enable a texture pack will scare of players and potential new players. Is this the case or not? Much appreciated!

server crashes every time i try and open the Vanilla Tweaks graves??

im using a modded cobblemon server and i died but every time i try and open my grave the entire server crashes?? ive opened a number of graves before with no problem but now they are crashing??

Cartographer Villager's 2nd Trade Crashing Server/Singleplayer - Modded Fabric 1.21.1

When unlocking the second trade of the cartographer, looking at the villager will cause fps drops, then after sometime the game would crash. Right-clicking on the villager will also immediately crash with the error java.lang.IllegalStateException: Value must be within range [1;99]: 0; Item must not be minecraft:air.
Figured it out. It was a Supplementaries mod bug that has been fixed in the latest version.

Tower Server Hardware Advice Wanted

I'm looking to build a tower server for all sorts of game servers such as Minecraft, ARK: Survival Evolved/Ascended, Project Zomboid, etc. It will also be used for minor home lab stuff. Basically, I just want a hunk of a server all to myself. However, my main use case for it will be hosting custom modpacks for Minecraft. I plan on having a peak player count of 24-32, and the packs tend to have roughly 150-200 mods, with a fair amount of time dedicated towards optimizing with the standard optimization mods and scripts. Although, the occasional ATM8+ pack might be thrown in for giggles. Part list: I do plan on adding more RAM to it, for a total of 192GB in the future, as well as more storage as needed....

Cowboy/Western items pack

Does anybody know a cowboy/western style armor and/or tools pack for itemsadder or nexo? I’m not able to find any sadly Much appreciated!...

Anyone got advice for this?

Just migrated to a new host, due to popular demand by folks I added the Create mod, but it seems to not play nice with pokemon. I just don't know what all this stuff means in the crash log. If someone can explain it to me so I can better understand and troubleshoot things in the future I'd really appreciate it ```Time: 2025-02-23 22:40:30...


I made a simple adjustment to a shop plugin I've been using for months on my server, but when I restarted the server, all of my crafting recipes were disabled somehow for all players. The only items that are still craftable are custom items coming from other plugins. What do I do??

Struggling with a reverse proxy

So, I've been setting up something to allow me to use nginx, openvpn, and a EC2 to have a remote proxy, mostly for the sake of hiding my actual IP address and security. The setup is as so: user -> [internet] -> AWS EC2 -> [OpenVPN] -> on_premises The setup I expect to work is basically, allowing inbound/outbound on 25565 and additionally openvpns required ports....

Make cookies edible on full hunger?

How difficult would it be to make cookies edible on full hunger? I know you can modify recipes and some other tricks like that, but I'd ideally like to apply this change to all cookies. Is there an easy way to do this? My server is on paper 1.21.4

What is happening?

I changed EssentialsX in my lobby to always teleport players to the spawn on join. But I'm getting this error:
[01:55:06 INFO]: Louis_Dew[/] logged in with entity id 71 at ([void2]0.0, 66.92159999847412, -1.0)
[01:55:06 WARN]: Disconnected on accept teleport packet. Was not expecting position data from client at this time
[01:55:06 INFO]: Louis_Dew lost connection: Invalid move player packet received
[01:55:06 INFO]: Louis_Dew[/] logged in with entity id 71 at ([void2]0.0, 66.92159999847412, -1.0)
[01:55:06 WARN]: Disconnected on accept teleport packet. Was not expecting position data from client at this time
[01:55:06 INFO]: Louis_Dew lost connection: Invalid move player packet received

User falls into the void when joining, but server locates him on Y 104

Hey, I have a user that fall infinitly into the void. Nobody else has a problem and he can join other servers. Restarted both routher and PC. Anything I can try to fix that?...
It's fixed, it was the firewall
No description

Good tags plugin?

Does anybody know a good tags plugin (that supports minimessage)?

Velocity Proxy Unreachable

When I try to query the velocity proxy it doesn't work. When I try to connect it just says "disconnected". When I start the proxy it shows it running on the right port. This doesn't work locally either. If I try to connect to the backend, it works just fine? Anyone know what the issue might be? I h ave no logs in console while trying to connect
sorry there was no issue, it was an issue on my part, just configured it wrong and half of what I said was untrue

Teleport when jumping off spawn

Right now players can jump of the spawn and die. But how do I make it so if they jump or fall of the spawn that they get teleported back?

Placeholder Question

Is it possible to have per world placeholders? I am looking to find if there is a total blocks broken placeholder but only in a certain world, is that possible?