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Unable to log on server - packetevents error

Hey I'm having an issue, nobody can log on our test server, any ideas?
[packetevents] Disconnected null due to invalid packet!
[19:19:16 INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e4c04d0[id=1c3ccfcc-6c0b-4c06-8763-8cd2487f3e26,name=AppleSilly,properties={textures=[Property[name=textures, value=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, signature=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]]}] lost connection: Disconnected
[packetevents] Disconnected null due to invalid packet!
[19:19:16 INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e4c04d0[id=1c3ccfcc-6c0b-4c06-8763-8cd2487f3e26,name=AppleSilly,properties={textures=[Property[name=textures, value=ewogICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiIDogMTczNTMyNzE1NTU5MCwKICAicHJvZmlsZUlkIiA6ICIxYzNjY2ZjYzZjMGI0YzA2ODc2MzhjZDI0ODdmM2UyNiIsCiAgInByb2ZpbGVOYW1lIiA6ICJBcHBsZVNpbGx5IiwKICAic2lnbmF0dXJlUmVxdWlyZWQiIDogdHJ1ZSwKICAidGV4dHVyZXMiIDogewogICAgIlNLSU4iIDogewogICAgICAidXJsIiA6ICJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzgzMjNlMzY3YWRkMjQ4Mjk1MjRlZTQyMjRhZWNmZTFiMmJhNzUwZjIxYTdhM2VkYzBlMjdhMTViZGIyYzgzNDYiLAogICAgICAibWV0YWRhdGEiIDogewogICAgICAgICJtb2RlbCIgOiAic2xpbSIKICAgICAgfQogICAgfSwKICAgICJDQVBFIiA6IHsKICAgICAgInVybCIgOiAiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS83NjU4YzUwMjVjNzdjZmFjNzU3NGFhYjNhZjk0YTQ2YTg4ODZlM2I3NzIyYTg5NTI1NWZiZjIyYWI4NjUyNDM0IgogICAgfQogIH0KfQ==, signature=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]]}] lost connection: Disconnected

EssentialsX | User Usernames with /msg

Hey! Is there a way to use usernames with /msg rather than displaynames?

Self Hosting - Advice please!

Hi all, I've setup a minecraft server, using the official .jar from Minecraft (java edition), it's running in a linux (ubuntu) VM on a DL360 I have I've set it up purely for my son / me / wife to play - working fine been running a week...

Unit testing plugin functionality programmatically

I want to write tests for my plugins so I don't have to do it in game For example, I have a function that turns every block broken into diamond blocks ...

How to make XP as main currency?

is there any "Vault" like plugin that will enable XP as it currency in most of the plugins?


my server is currently lagging like crazy, i cant find the culprit heres my spark profiler and the mod list i currently have everytime like 4+ peeps join the server starts lagging like crazy, it handled 15 players before just fine THE SERVER IS ON FABRIC ASWELL ...
No description

2 Things - Whats the best way to setup voting? And whats the best kind of online store to buy perks?

I use VotingPlugin and VotifierPlus, voting plugin doesnt register my vote sites correctly or give rewards when players do vote so Im looking for alternatives to VP I currently have CraftingStore and need "crossover" to get it onto a elementor/wordpress site that one of my friends are making me, is there any other way I can get a server store onto the site or a different alternative...

How To Correctly Find / Do Commissions

Okay so I'm part of help chat and have hired people from there before. But I've also been scammed. I'm also currently looking for a manager and have funds but where the heck do I find reliable and safe people for this?! I don't really trust a random person from help chat. I'm aware of middle services but where the heck do you find that? I've done builtbybit but also have been scammed and ran into issues there. So... How do you correctly find and do commissions with people? What safety measures can you do? Where can you find people to help manage without stealing files / destroying things or scamming. Any info is appreciated, thanks ๐Ÿ™‚...

What's causing my memory leak?

I've got a heap dump, which I've been told can point out the cause of my server's memory leak. I sent it to my host's support staff as well, but communication with them has been difficult and my players are eager to get the server working. Heap dump:

Crafty servers super laggy

I've been using a Azure VM with a debian image to host a minecraft server, installed CasaOs then crafty and my server was running fine (i even had one for testing plugins). Then i had a big crash because when crafty tried to make a backup of my world which takes about 72gb of space (i pregenerated chunks with chunky) without compressing while my vm only has 124 gb, so naturally crashed. I just removed the backup and disabled it from my server, restarted everything and i keep having a lot of lag, even with the server down and starting a new one without plugins it keeps happening, i don't really know what to do now Here's my spark profiler:

Stress Testing/Performance Testing

Hello, I'd like to get some input from you guys on stress testing and performance testing. I and some friends have been working together on various projects and especially of late have been trying to optimize and research different forks and performance of different systems. As we've done so we've found a lot of conflicting arguments over which forks are better and what to do for performance. As such we have started talking about testing the performance of different softwares and different settings, but I'd like to get some information on what you guys would say should be done to make this as accurate as possible and as automatable as possible. Here are some questions I'd like addressed. For stress testing, would it be most accurate by having a pregenned world of a specific size with default settings set on each software tested? Would using bots rather than actual players change the performance at all or are bots seen and treated as regular players by the server? specifically bots that are created/run outside of the server and made to join....

help reading log exception? (forge 1.20.1)

i'm trying to finalize modpack/server, and have been seeing this error message pop up in the console sometimes when i'm flying around. Is it anything to be concerned about or need to fix something? here's the most recent log: ...

creating a forge server on a raspberry pi 5, wondering what mods i can use?

hi, iโ€™m brand new to running my own server, and i got a raspberry pi 5 for christmas so iโ€™m planning on using that to create a modded server for me and about 6 friends. my friends are requesting mods like origins and happiness (is a) warm gun and im wondering if they will be able to work since they require the fabric api but the server iโ€™m setting up is a forge server? any advice would be appropriated!

Starting my own server

I play alot of modded Minecraft like atm9 and heavy ones like that. What specs do I need on a PC to run 3-4 servers with a cap of 100 players each?

Tebex - Cant click buy

Anyone know why this pops up when I click "buy" button
No description

Whatโ€™s Sponge nowadays?

I have close to none experience when it comes to modded servers, I hardly ever interact with those projects. Even worse considering that I stopped doing servers in general for 2-3 years maybe. Around 2017 I tried Sponge as hybrid server for a friend smp Today, I just checked Sponge page and apparently has become something entirely different with three variants: SpongeVanilla, SpongeForge (likely what I used back then), SpongeNeo (neoforge) ...

Curseforge API as a docker secret

Trying to do my first MC Docker project, and want to use Secrets instead of env variables (not planning on republishing, but wanting to learn how to use secrets w Docker Compose) Im using itzg/mc for server and backup snippet of the relevant portion of the dockerfile yaml:...

Question about home servers

Back when I was at uni, a teacher told us that just like we โ€œrentโ€ servers for a limited time, we can also provide our own home servers so they keep them plugged in, refrigerated and with internet connection, so customers only pay for that, instead of the whole machine. I can do my own research on the topic, but I donโ€™t quite get the proper keywords to start, does someone know how this kind of service is called? (or if it even exists) Since this is a minecraft related discord, I guess I should also make the question related to minecraftโ€ฆ While this is definitely overkill, did someone tried this in the past? If so, what was your experience?...

BetterMC Server Jar

Hey! We are expanding our network in the new year and are opening up a BetterMC server. I had a few questions from anyone with experience; The pack is running 1.20.4. Are we best off to use Arclight, NeoForge, Forge, or Fabric?...

Hosting a local modded minecraft server

Hello. Im trying to host a project ozone 3 modded minecraft server. I know how to port forward and all that stuff, but i dont know in the server files if i should launch the server using the default jar or the forge jar? The only problem im having with this modpack is that i cant get the correct map to load for project ozone 3.