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Way to Prevent Portals past a Certain Distance?

I'm wondering if there's a plugin or some other method to prevent nether portals (or just prevent obsidian/crying obsidian) from being placed by players past a certain distance. I want to make sure that the players don't go past the overworld border via nether portals, which I currently have by setting the world border in the nether to 8x smaller than the overworld (overworld border is a 50k block radius and nether is 6250), but that feels really small and I want to give players enough space t...

Opinions, Fabric or Plugins for vanilla

Which would be better to host for Vanilla loving players, a base fabric with server QOL mods or a plugin based (Folia, Paper, Purpur) server?

cant re-join any server?

server logs my logs i was in the end, i loged out for a few hours and when i tried to rejoin later on i cant? i just get this error and the server is giving me some really strange information about my player?? ...

Really need Help Improving our Server Performance

Hey guys, my bf and I are running a home hosted dedicated server (Dell PowerEdge R730 Server | 2x E5-2667 V4 =3.20GHz | 96GB H730) Currently we are running Jurassic Reborn 2 modpack. We are currently having an issue with the server running behind, like 2500 something. Not exactly sure what to do, how to correct it properly. We've been googling our butts off, just a pregnant woman and her bf wanting to play a game together. Please help! LOL...

Help with server instantly disabling everything after boot

It is 1.21 and i have upgraded from 1.12 while booting up i only get errors that are warns actually from just a plugin now the server does its thing and they swiftly shuts down like it says "done(42s)" and then it proceds to disable every plugin and the whole serv

Help with server instaclosing

so i use the batch file since i updated a 1.12.2 jar file with a 1.16.4 one and now everything starts until it says done (42s) and then it closes all plugins...

Setting up SimpleVoiceChat w/ Oracle Servers

Hello, I'm currently trying to set up SimpleVoiceChat (via Oracle's free tier servers) but I honestly have no idea how to open the voice chat port 😅 Thanks in advance...

Can't connect to my server

I've been up half the night and started this morning too but I just can't seem to figure out why I can't connect to my server. I've done portforwarding. I've done the IP adding, I've whitelisted port 22 and disabled 25, 465, and 587. I have 8 GB of ram allocated (only running a simple vanilla world), I just don't know what to do

Wrong formula for pre-1.19.4 horse breeding?

Horse breeding got easier in 1.19.4 and when our server migrated from 1.18.2 to 1.21.1, we wrote a plugin to use the old formula (or so we thought). When researching, the internet suggests the formula for pre-1.19.4 for the speed of a foal is (Speed of parent 1 + Speed of parent 2 + random value between 0.1125 and 0.3375) / 3. So we implemented it and thought everything is fine. Some of our players noticed that they would get way more better horses than before, so we wrote a plugin that breeds horses from set-parents (horses with speed of 13 blocks per second, 0.308) automatically and collects the speed values of the foals. ...

Edit text on Escape Menu Banner?

Hello! Would anyone know what the best way to edit the text on an escape menu banner (i.e, the Oraxen banner) would be? Or, the best way to edit textures for custom items / GUIs in general? I have previously tried using Photopea, but am having a reoccuring issue with that and any other photo editors where when I try inserting text, the font becomes extremely illegible because I am editing a 256x256 image. Just wondering if there's a better way to edit text on this here. Thanks!...
No description

Setting up Ddos Prot. in Velocity via TCP shield?

Hello, How can i setup tcp shield's ddos protection in velocity? as i tried with the tutorial given for spigot servers, but could not make it ;-;

Creative plots fabric

Hey I have a fabric creative survival along my SMP (also fabric). I know creating "private" plot is possible on spigot and looking for something similar on fabric. Where a players joins the sever he will be in his own plot and be able to join others if they like that....

CMI Disable /playtime within CMI Config

Title pretty much says it all, I use a different plugin for playtime but cant find a way to fully disable cmi's command in the config

Adventure Map World with Multiverse-Core (Paper)

Hi folks, how can I create a dedicated world for an adventure map? I have multiverse-core installed To test this I am using the Jack's Deathcourse adventure map. ...

Easiest Way to Run a Console Cmd at Particular Time of the day?

I need a easy way to run a console cmd at particular time of the day each time according to my timezone , can be 1 or more entries like 4PM , 7 PM, 10 PM , ?

Plugin To Block Minimaps Mods?

Any plugin that can allow me to block/ dont let the players see underground caves or bases in their minimaps mod?

Check Other players Stats on server as Owner?

Is there any way or a good plugin thingy that will let me see all stats of any player,? (like killed which mob how many times, crafted anything really ... So that i can know if they cheating or not)

crafthead for items

anything that works the same as the crafthead link to get a player's minecraft head but then for items and you instert the item material at the end of the link? asking this for an alert message in discord srv for an auction plugin so there is an image dispaying the item being sold

Fabric hide seed

How can I hide the side on a fabric server?