•Created by 3rrebe on 8/31/2023 in #questions
Best Friends/Partys/Guilds plugin?
Hello! I am really looking into this :D
8 replies
•Created by 3rrebe on 8/18/2023 in #questions
Best Hub plugins?
I want to know which plugins are good for a hub, for the menu selector, hotbar items, etc
40 replies
•Created by 3rrebe on 8/8/2023 in #questions
Best proxy fork
Hello, actually I am using xCord, that is a fork of Bungeecord, but actually, I want to know which fork it's the best one, for performance and security, I read that using velocity could be the best one, but I want to be 100% secure
9 replies
•Created by 3rrebe on 8/7/2023 in #questions
Block Numerical IPs
I saw that in Hypixel (as example), when you log in using the server Numerical IP, it is blocked, displaying a message saying that you have to use the IP “play.hypixel.net”.
How is possible to make this? Also, make that when they use a numerical IP not to make ping in the server list?
71 replies
•Created by 3rrebe on 8/7/2023 in #questions
Server version
If I want to make a 1.8+ server version, shall I use a recently updated version (as 1.19) and adding VB and VR, or natively 1.8
6 replies
•Created by 3rrebe on 8/6/2023 in #questions
Best way to create a Minecraft Network
Hello! I am lookin to create a Minecraft Network, in collaboration with a big YouTuber, but I want to know the best pages/methods to create Minecraft Networks that can carry a lot of players and plugins without getting lag, I've heard about Amazon Servers but I don't have too much information about it, anyone that is actually very into this topic can help me?
5 replies
•Created by 3rrebe on 8/4/2023 in #questions
Hello! Best world custom generation plugin?
17 replies