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NLM graph

Why is B not Minimum?? P/t will give us slope which here is the Force applied on the body... Inclination of slope wrt X acis will give us the magnitude of Force => greater the inclination greater the Force C has the maximum inclination and b has the lowest, yet A is marked as minimum...
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this doesnt feel like NLM why is this in our NLM ka module 💀
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Thermal expansion doubt

What is going on here? I'm a bit lost
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i have figured out R will match with 2 and S with 5 cant pigure P and Q
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Significant figures

Please tell me if I'm understanding all this correctly - • the significant figures in a given reading are all going to be consecutive digits, and of those consecutive significant digits, the last one is the one we're uncertain of, while we're certain of the rest. • When we're writing down a reading made using a generic ruler, with its smallest unit being 1 millimeter, the reading cannot be something like 2.33 cm, it can only be 2.3 cm, even if we feel like the former reading is closer to the real value, judging by eyeing the gap between the 23 mm and 24 mm lines on the ruler. • If we can see that the reading is equal to or greater than 2.35 cm, do we write down 2.4 cm or 2.3 cm?...

oraganic chem doubtt

6-Propoxy-2,5-diethyl-octa-3,5-diene-1,8-dial is this correct? (ps: the circles are oxygen)...
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Circular problem

mera circular weak hai help plij ;-;
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Rod Constraint doubt

Say we have a rigid rod moving such that both ends of the rod have diffrent velocity vectors in diffrent directions. the velocities along the rod are obviously equal but will the velocities Perpendicular to the rod be equal everytime??

2D moshun-II

stuck at this idk if correct hai bhi ki nahi but :p
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2D moshun

no idea how to even approach this ... i feel that the question giving us "hits the plane perpendicularly" has some use just that WHAT IS TRYING TO TELL US
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IUPAC naming

it should be diphenyl right?????
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nuclear chem

acc to my understanding X1 is alpha particle and X2 is beta- ( both correct) EDIT: the last particle is supposed be thorium 230 not 234'...
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Thermo (C) Doubt

Shouldn't both delta S and delta U be zero as free expansion is adiabatic so dq=0?
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chem eqbm

shouldnt c be an ans too ? i get the fact that K only changes with temp but at certain temp pressure is bound to be diff thus changing it
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Bomb calorimeter doubt (Thermo.)

Does the value MC(â–³T)/m give the enthalpy change or the total energy change?

Collision Doubt

Doesn't elastic collision mean that there is no loss of kinetic energy?
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