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9 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
iTeachChem Helper
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hithav4mo ago
what is the doubt ?
hardcoreisdeadOP4mo ago
i dont understand the ques
hithav4mo ago
C14 is a radioactive substance which remains constant in living organisms and keeps on decreasing in non living so when you artificially increase or decrease C14 the apparent age of fossils change. and C14 is a radioactive element so it will follow first order reaction to decay
hardcoreisdeadOP4mo ago
acc to my understanding beta activity of fossil = m beta activity of fresh carbon sample = n then age = t= ln(n/m)/k after expolsion beta activity of fossil inc or fresh sample
hithav4mo ago
fresh sample.fossils can't absorb C14 so their beta activity won't increase
hardcoreisdeadOP4mo ago
got it thanx +solved @hithav
iTeachChem Helper
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