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No of Steriomers

In these types of questions arent we suppose to take all possibilities?
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Chem EQM

Shouldnt the ans be B?
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How do u start about this??
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periodic classification

difference between ionisation energy and enthalpy?

Electron gain enthalpy

1.What is the order of electron gain enthalpy for the 3rd period elements? 2.Between Ar and Mg ,Be and Ne which has the most positive EGE?...

Seq Series

for this questions i first calculated that there will be a total of 45 elements in all the 9 rows the tenth row starts from 46th element so i did summation 56 elements - summation 46 elements i got 1525 but ans is 1505...
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Equations , Physics

why am i getting wrong answer , what did i do wrong
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Physics , Equations

i had to make 4 equations for 4 variables v1 v2 01 02 and things got too complex i could not solve , How did it solve in just 2 equations
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Mains Application Form

While applying for 1st attempt, my aadhaar had my initials at the beginning and then my name, whereas in 10th marks card I had my name followed by my initials. After entering my details and registering, I got my aadhaar name changed to the way it is in my 10th marks card. But this change took affect after my registration. Is this going to affect me during counselling? Please tell me cuz im going paranoid over this

Physics Integration

Is my approach correct ?
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Atomic Structure

Ans. is 1. whyy???...
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Aldehydes ketones

Why is the esterification product more stable here? Does it always happen whenever there's an alcohol and a carboxylic acid? Or smth to do with five membered ring?
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what should be the gravitational field at the centre of hemispherical shell? attaching my approach below...


Can we use electrochemical series if concentrations of substances at anode and cathode are different?

GOC , Charge Density

isnt this wrong , shouldnt Fluorine have the highest charge density
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