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parabola 2

For what values of 'a' will the tangents drawn to the parabola y^2=4ax from a point, not on the y-axis, will be normal to the parabola x^2=4by...


Two balls of equal volume and masses m1 and m2 (m2 > m1) connected with a thin light thread are dropped from a certain height. Viscous drag of air on a ball depends on its velocity and buoyant force is equal to the weight of air displaced by the ball. When the balls ac.quire a uniform velocity after a sufficient time from the instant they were dropped, what is the tensile force in the thread? Acceleration due to gravity is g

coordination compounds

Why is NH3 not pairing the 2 unpaired electrons and make dsp2, isn't nitrogen strong field ligand
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Limits Doubt

Tried searching but couldn't find the answer.
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Are aromatic compounds always more stable than non aromatic ones ?

Recently, came across a question and it's solution used heat of formation to describe how cyclohexane is more stable than benzene. I would like to know if there are more such cases and if so then how do we compare in such questions ?...

Mol orbital theory

In coordination compounds, there was antibonding mol orbital and stuff involved in synergic bonding. How exactly do we know there are this many no. of anti bonding or bonding molecular orbitals and stuff as lobes in metals etc, not as the mot energy diagram...

Structure of free radicals

I had this doubt if we take for example CH3 as a free radical why will the structure be planar triangular i mean still has a free electron won't that do some electronic replusions and distort the shape


I was studying solutions andsearched the formula on google and came across two different formulas on wikipedia, i am not able to wrap my head around, pls help


I multiplied 8 with 8 factorial because zero 1st posi chord kr koi si bhi occupy kr skta hai. Is it the right thought que 15
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Alc Phenols

Why is the ans Option 1 , why not Option 3 Br2 is with Fe , not with water so i figured it would go at only 1 positsion...
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diffrential equations error ( class 12 cbse)

isnt this wrong , isnt sinx/tanx = cosx brainly link = ...
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2 doubts

what side do we keep log c and why do we put log c and not c
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YDSE wave optics

why is distance between the slits the maximum distance that can be between any two minimas or maximas?