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How to find the right OE job

This is my first time here. I would like to ask my friends how to find a suitable remote job. I am tired of going to the office.

access to twn after freeze?

I have an employer who uses TWN. After I put a freeze on my TWN, can that employer access my TWN again for a background check?
There was a clause by hireright (one of the consumers of TWN) attached in this message, basically stating that the company MAY request additional reports about you even after doing the initial one. Now, we had an actual second report (second image attached) where a person managed to contact TWN after supposedly seeing that their company procured a report after a freeze has been issued and he's been assured that the company saw nothing.
So far, it's fairly safe to say that even if you provided your company access to your TWN pre-freeze, they won't be able to see it again post-freeze....

What's the recommended years of experience before someone can consider OE?

There's no recommendation number of years. It's really about when you find a single job routine and stop learning. I think that doing OE ad a junior or a mid-level is risky because you can easily run into a hurdle which takes up a lot of mental energy and adds a lot of stress. Once you're a senior and most things don't particularly challenge you, I think it's a good time to OE. That said, I'd say most people get there in 4-6 years....

Is it a problem if J1 and J2 both use Okta?

There has been no fail stories related to two or more jobs using Okta.

Does getting a loan result in your employment info showing up on a credit report?

Is there any way of getting a loan or mortgage but avoiding reporting your employer?
Most banks want to know you're getting paid from somewhere to pay off the loan, so this info (in many cases) may not be omitted. Though, just to reassure you that taking a loan won't necessarily "expose" you for OE, unless your employer does periodic credit checks on you. Some options:...

Can someone reassure me on overlapping meetings?

i am really worried about having overlapping meetings, though, i can hold my ground and say i am busy at that time or block out my calendar so it doesn't happen unless its one of those mass-meetings for the whole company or something.
that's the thing, you can choose to either tackle them (probably more applicable if advanced into the OE bit), or avoid them completely avoiding it completely might be sustainable in short term, but really difficult long-term if you decide to tackle them, there are a number of strategies that does take a bit of work. audio mixers / 1 mic per job / for transcriptions / learning how to mute switch between job to job if you decide to avoid them, then you have a finite number of excuses you'll have to employ in your life to pull it off, like bathroom contractors building house, or have to deal with a deliver and you will be out for about 15 min...

Is it safe to have more than 1 insurance?

Yes, you can have multiple insurances. There are some considerations: 1. If one of your job is an HDHP with HSA, the only way to maintain that HSA is to have another HDHP. 2. You can have an HDHP/PPO if you waive your HSA...

Should I get separate checking accounts for my jobs?

Not sure if it will out me or not
Not necessary, as most places won't know your other income, nor would the banks disclose that to them. The only time where it might be a concern is if you have to provide financial disclosures (usually at financial institutions). You do leave some money on the table though, since you can direct deposit from your new Js to take advantage of various signing bonuses banks offer....

How do I remove my info from various aggregation sites like zoominfo?

I am able to google myself and I'd like to remove as much as I can!
ZoomInfo 1. Go on 2. Figure out what data they have on you (if it's J1, it's likely your J1 email, J2 -> J2 email, ex) 3. Go to your job email to click on the confirmation link. ...

What is the consensus about working for companies in same industry?

not sure if i should or shouldn't
Generally, you want to avoid working for companies in the same industry because there's a higher chance of cross contamination especially among coworkers who move from one. With that being said, there has been success stories of people doing it, and there are a lot of situational factors needed to decide if it's for you or not. If you align with "no", you could be missing out on perfectly good OE friendly companies. ...

but how do you manage 2 meetings at the same time while video on?

do you like mute. and turn off camera when called upon and make an excuse that your camera has issues?
Ideally you shouldn't have more than 1 camera at most at a time, but one strategy that I've found that worked for me is this. 1. Have an external webcam angled upward at you, with your microphone in front of you so the first thing they see is the microphone. 2. Have a pop filter for your mic to further obscure your mouth ...

What are my strategies for landing another job for OE?

I understand this can have a lot of situational pre-requisites, but does anyone have a "50 feet view" of how to get started, how to avoid getting caught, what are my risks?
Solution: Strategies to Land Your Next Job (Jx) Below is a compilation of strategies individuals often employ when seeking their next job (referred to as Jx, with previous roles labeled as J0, J1, etc.):...

[12-05-2023] What are some background check stories I should be aware of for OE?

Would like to learn more
Sterling They can go as simple as a SSN trace, criminal record, maybe pulled credit records for address history. They had the option to upload supporting docs (optional). They did not verify any employment history in one user's case. Another user had a mixed experience. They did clear it and the process took a while since they ran two checks on them, on in the U.S. and another in Europe. The candidate-facing UX is subpar - it's all automated and not friendly....

How long should I wait before taking on another job?

For this question, let's assume you have a few years of experience.
There are various case studies where the answer can vary. If you have a really good tech setup, such as audio mixers, a way to transcribe (offline) your meetings, and you're able to manage your time well, it's probably fine to start right away, even better if you already took two offers and accepted them both. For others, they may need a week or so to get used to their first "OE" job, before embarking on a second. ...

How to handle maternity/paternity leave while on multiple jobs?

Key Points: - FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act): Always unpaid and has no associated benefits. ...

How do you handle more than 1 job?

My first job takes up most of my week, how on earth can you handle more than one, let alone 2, 3 or 4??
There are still many many jobs out there where the actual obligations rarely require a full 40 hour work week. See it from this perspective as a developer: How often would a developer run into cases where they need to add a day to test an implementation, or a day to gather requirements, or half a day to implement unit testing, or adding an extra day or two to cover being blocked by a stakeholder? You should understand that in many cases (not all), you can manage expectations so that the employer/manager is happy with the work delivered, you deliver the work, and any extra hours you "saved" by over estimating you can do with other jobs. ...

How do I conceal my pikvm/tinypilot from my employers?

Hi, I am using a pikvm/tinypilot to either outsource or handle hybrid OE. What are some of the steps I can take to conceal my tracks?
Detecting and Concealing Tinypilot and PIKVM Detection Mechanism Both TinyPilot and PIKVM can be detected due to their physical HDMI and USB connections. When plug-and-play hardware is connected, the computer identifies details like the manufacturer, serial number, etc., enabling automatic driver installation. ...

Social Security overpayments while OE?

I have a question regarding social security overpayment. Since employers match social security, we are over employed, and if you are in an overpayment scenario, wouldn't the employers also receive some sort of refund? And, wouldn't that raise red flags of why they are receiving it? Especially in the scenario of a large refund? Could this tip them off of another J of almost equal payout?
See this article: Specifically this note:
Note: Your withholding may jump if you switch jobs after earning more than the Social Security wage base for the year ($160,200 in 2023, $147,000 in 2022). That's because when you reach that point, your employer stops withholding Social Security taxes. But when you change jobs, your new employer must withhold the tax on the amount they pay you up to the wage base, even though you don't really owe more. On the bright side, any excess Social Security tax withheld will be refunded when you file your tax return for the year....