Signal K


Signal K

Signal K is an ecosystem for free and open source universal marine data exchange and software.












What's the sudo password for the Docker container?

I would like to try to ping the from the Docker image of SK, but I can't install ping utils because I need the sudo password. Can somebody please tell me what that is?

B&G Performance plugin

Hi there!
I'm new to SignalK so please be gentle 😉 I have a B&G Zeus chart plotter and a fairly standard wind sensor (B&G WS310) which generates AWA and AWD. However, I also have a rotating mast... ...

inject data?

What's the simplest way to inject navigation.magneticVariation into the SK data stream (so Derived Data can calculate true heading from magnetic heading)? It is OK if it's a constant; I can change it once a year.

Garmin Quatix - is it possible to integrate without Garmin infrastructure?

I just won a Quatix 7 watch and honestly don't know what to do with it as I run SignalK and B&G. Anyone integrated it without other garmin compnents?

What’s a good nmea0183 multiplexer

Anyone has an affordable 0183 gps multiplexer to recommend? I need to split one GPS to a chart ployer and VHF.

Unable to connect to GPSD on another Pi in Bridge mode

I have GPSD on a Pi with the IP, while SignalK is running on in a Docker containr. If I run in bridge mode, it can't connect to the other Pi's GPSD, but in host mote I see that it connects in the logs flying past in the bash window when I start the container without the -d switch. Only then it won't accept connections on port 80, for some reason. I know I don't have anything else running on port 80. I have these ports in bridge mode: ports: - 80:80 - 1884:1884...

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

I get this every minute in the log. I run in Docker, and of course there are no MQTT servers in my Docker image. But I haven't set SignalK to connect to one either. I am running a server on port 1884 on the "Signal K MQTT gateway plug-in", which the rest of my system connects to and gets what it needs of data. So why is the SignalK server trying to connect to a broker on the localhost?

Derived Data - SetDrift - Drift Calculation, Magnetic vs true

I have pulled this out of a discussion in the KIP area but:
looks like the Drift calc uses 'Math.cos(courseOverGroundTrue - headingMagnetic)' to get the angle, shouldn't they both be True, like 'Math.cos(courseOverGroundTrue - (headingMagnetic + magneticVariation))'?...

Data and path manipulation ?

Hi guys. First off - thank you for your hard work on SK ! I am playing around with data from my Victron Cerbo, and are looking at data from my Ruuvi devices (BTLE). They show up nicely as<id>. I am using the path-mapper plugin to duplicate the data to environment.outside.pressure path, and then send the data to nmea2k. First of all - is this the right approach ?...


Searched a while but not found anything, wondering what the e.g. the marintraffic API can get... I find myself going from SignalK/Freeboard to Marintraffic to get pictures of the boats around me... A pop up that displays a picture and other Metadata would be nice, preferably configurable to different sources....

Can SignalK be used as WiFi NMEA gateway for mobile apps

I have Cerbo GX with SignalK and NMEA2000 connected to my Garmin instruments on the boat. It is great for tracking trips with PostgSail SK plugin. Is it possible for SK to act as NMEA gateway for other apps on local WiFi to provide realtime navigational data (COG, SOG,AWS, AWA...) to mobile apps like Navionics or Sailgrib WR?...

Occasionally wrong positions for AIS targets

Every now and then I see in freeboard AIS targets whose track contains erroneous positions. The track in general looks plausible, but it contains some position samples that are obviously wrong. Attached two screenshots of a case that I see right now. The track of one the vessels on a offshore anchoring location jumps to locations hundreds of miles away.
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CAN works, then don't!

My CAN connection is all fine and dandy on start-up, but after a while it fades with only a few connections, only to die. Anyone experienced this or have an idea for trouble shooting? Restarting the Pi restarts the CAN connection. Restarting SignalK server doesn't....
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Hosting InfluxDB

Is anyone self hosting InfluxDB in AWS? I am paying way too much for the very little data I am using for their hosted instance. I do not want to open a tunnel to my boat network, so looking for some alternate ways to pushing data from Signalk to a compatible datasource for Grafana. So far InfluxDB has been great, other than becoming no longer affordable.

NMEA 2000 Fast Packet errors

Hi everyone. I have an intermittent problem with fast packet errors on my NMEA 2000 network fed by SignalK. I’m running SignalK on a Pi with a Yacht Devices YDNU-2 USB to NMEA2K adapter. Occasionally (most of the time, but not always) when I reboot the Pi my B&G plotter will show some of the SignalK data missing. I can look at the network diagnostics on the plotter and see the “fast packet error” count increasing by a few packets per second. Then I need to go into SignalK, disable the SignalK to...

m/s to knots

HI, I am using Airmar DST 810 sensor connected in NMEA 2000. It give me depth, speed and others datas. It's working but the speed in not converted from m/s to knots. So, I read 2,5 in KIP when the boat is at 5 knots Is it a way to correct that?...

Can Not Update to 2.8.3

Good day everyone. Long time Signal K user. We use signal k on our trawler in a highly integrated install, wireless NEMA gateway, starlink, grafana, pushing out AIS data, etc. This all runs on a Pi. This particular instance has been up and stable for 2 or 3 years, always updated, always kept up to date. Since 2.8.3 arrived I have not been able to update. I just get 'something went wrong'. Along with this I can no longer update Apps in the Appstore. The store shows 5 apps to update, when you click one it starts the normal progress bar then fails. This happens for all 5 apps needing update. Then, one more symptom I have noted, in the plugin manager, if I go to change a setting in any plugin, then try to save, the save fails with 'saving plugin settings failed' Any ideas here? Am I out of space on the pi somehow? I tried to look in logs but saw nothing to help....

optocoupler question

I am trying to read engine RPMs on an ESP32 board with sensESP. I have a simple optocoupler board ( schematic included). Do I understand correctly that in first approximation, if V+ >> V-, then VOUT=0 but if V+ << V- then VOUT=-VCC (i.e. that 3-4 behaves like a 0Ohm resistor if V+>V- and an almost infinite resistor if V+,V-) regardless of the actual voltage? If this is the case, VCC needs to match the logic voltage of my board (i.e, 3.3V for an ESP32 or 5V for an arduino), right?...
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SignalK to Node Red

Hi, I'm struggling with Node Red (apologies if I'm in the wrong place to post this). When I connect a TCP IN node and debug, I'm not getting a stream of PGNs but rather a single message. Can anyone point me in the right direction. I can see PGNs about output via plugin signalk-to-nmea-2000