DevHeads IoT Integration Server


DevHeads IoT Integration Server

The DevHeads IoT Integration Server accelerates technology engineering by helping pro devs learn, share and collaborate.












How Do I use an Op AMP for Signal Amplification

Recently Studying about Op Amp and Its Operations, needed some guides from you guys on how i can effectively use Op AMP for Signal Amplification. What are the best Op Amp IC which is cost effective that can be used for Audio Amplification. Want to use it in my design so needed some Guide.
Audio has its own series of op amp which is optimised for audio signal and it would not be a part of standard Opamps series. Audio Opamps and circuits are readily available in market, so I would recommend Opamps like NE5532 for first designs.
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How Can I design a more stable power supply in my PCB Board

I tried measuring the voltage of my board and i found out that the voltage was fluctuating, staying below the desired voltage. What could be the cause of this problem. What can i do subsequently to avoid such fluctuation or noise in my board during design.

How often do Hardware engineers use Simulation tools while designing PCBs

How often do Hardware engineers use Simulation tools while designing PCBs? which circuit simulator do you recommend? @Joseph Ogbonna @Aditya thakekar

PCB Manufacturing: Check These 4 Parameters Before You Begin

So you’ve completed your PCB design. Countless hours in a CAD environment, and you’ve determined the stackup, placed components, accounted for impedance, traced and routed your signals, generated the Gerber files, and sent them to your preferred PCB manufacturer. Then you get a notification from PCB assembly and manufacturing house: Your PCB is unmanufacturable. But when faced with a design that could be unreliable or incur unnecessary cost, that message may be the best-case scenario. You’re in this position because you didn’t appropriately design for manufacture (DFM), and could have avoided it by taking a few simple steps back when you were still in your EDA program. In this DevHeads Demo, one of DevHeads' resident hardware design experts, @Petr Dvořák, an engineering consultant the proprietor of Beny devices, gives us four key PCB design parameters to check, double-check, and check again before hitting up the manufacturing house that will save you lots of headaches down the road....

Rule of Thumb for Mouse Bites?

Creating a PCB that I envision as normally being attached, with a section that can be broken off and discarded in certain circumstances. At this point I'm just doing a V-score, which might be the correct solution, but if I wanted to do mouse bites do people generally have a footprint that they use (KiCad in my case)? Or is there a rule of thumb for drawing them in? Thx!
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Should I have a Dedicated Power Plane on My PCB

During my last design I used a dedicated layer/plane for power. But during the design review the engineer asked me to remove the dedicated plane and just route the power around. And use that plane for ground. Wanted to know when is right or wrong to use a dedicated plane for power, need your insight on this. Thanks.
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I need a good resources for bms

Can anyone suggest some good resources for bms (battery related communications) collecting data from sensors and so
Hi @tahenan , I assume by sensors you mean voltage/current/temperature and prominently, CAN protocol is use in linking these with the vehicle controller. Lower level it can be any other serial protocols. - website has a spectrum of things covered in bits. - This is good place and redirects you to pages in the TI website

MIDI on Wemos S2 (ESP32) dev board

Hi, I was hoping to use USB MIDI on a Wemos S2 board, but based on some searching/experimenting, it may not be capable of this. Anyone know of a solution? Zooming out a bit, I'm working on an 8-input MIDI controller and want a small board to use. Was hoping to use the XIAO SAMD21 board: but it (frustratingly) has exactly 7 QTouch inputs! From a software standpoint, it'd be easy to use a RPi Pico, but that means soldering on some resistors. Not a deal-breaker I guess....

I am new in embedded system need lots of help to learn new things and fundamentals.

since i am in early stage of learning i may face too much problems but i am damn sure that i can overcome those wth the help of you.

Suggest another PTC fuse with better characteristics

Hi guys, I'm using the following PTC fuse to protect the Tiny Scarab board (and the PC you're plugging it in):...

How to Reduce Crosstalk in a PCB Layout

If the space in a pcb board is fixed and there are limited number of routing space on the board, what can i do in order to reduce crosstalk, because the traces are tightly coupled which can lead to noise issues. In this case it is a High Speed Board.
I recommend using a multi-layer PCB with the adjacent layer below the TOP layer made of a full solid ground reference plane. Plus, I would not recommend to use a copper pour on the top layer when using the inner layer reference plane.
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facing some problems setting up BLE configuration

Not any thing urgent, but was facing some problems setting up BLE configuration and it would be helpful if anyone can link to the guides for BLE setting up and process.

measure the dielectric constant of the ESP32-Wrover module

Will it be possible to measure the dielectric constant of the ESP32-Wrover module to know if it is FR4 or not? In case, one wants to know the characteristics of the original PCB antenna

Why isn't my ESP8266 RFID Reader Providing Expected Output on the Serial Monitor?

"Hey team, I've successfully uploaded the RFID reader code to my ESP8266, and the hardware connections seem correct. However, I'm not getting the expected output on the Serial Monitor. The loop is running, but I'm not detecting RFID tags or seeing UID information. Any insights on what might be causing this issue would be greatly appreciated!"

how to make proximity-activated locks except for ultrasonic sensors

Hey guys, any ideas on how to make proximity-activated locks except for ultrasonic sensors? We're trying to make a lock that is activated based on the signal distance of a receiver to the transmitter.

EMI EMC Testing

Here is the question that I get asked a lot. Can you do the test for EMI and EMC on the software itself prior so that we don't have to do physcial testing as much and pass all the standards so that the product launch happens faster?? To everyone in the community, what are your thoughts?...

How do I create a 50 ohms Impedence Trace

Recently designing a PCB board that has four layers, am using SIM7020E chip from SIMCOM, a cellular Chip. The Datasheet said i should Use a 50 ohms trace line on my PCB for the antenna Pin side in order to match the circuit. What will i do to get 50 ohms trace value for the four layers board. Are there any tools or steps needed to take ?
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Slow rise time on SD_CLK causes boot failure

Hello everyone, I would like to consult on an issue I’m having with the SD_CLK signal of my board. The board is a UPnP music server / router and it boots from an SD Card to load the Uboot, Linux Kernel, and Linux user space. There are already several boards manufactured. There is one board that fail to boot from the SD Card outright and one board that initially worked fine but failed at a later time. The rest of the boards worked fine, but it is concerning that a failure might also happen in the future. Considering all is same (hardware / binary image loaded), there is a significant delay in the rise up time on SD_CLK signal of the failing board....
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Is this possible?

i have a cheap controller that i have had for a while but never used because it was cheap, but when my normal daily driver controller started malfunctioning, i thoght that maybe i could turn it into a better controller. it uses standard usb3, and im wondering if i could solder a usb 3 wired to wireless adapter but just the pins needed and then solder a battery? is this possible? im not that good so maybe its really hard.