


Building a modern Open Source CRM, powered by the community





Cannot add new elements (person, company or opportunity)

Hello, we have an already populated twenty instance... After the update we are not able to add anywthing new and we gett an apollo error 500. In the logs we get 'twenty | Exception Captured twenty | {...

Developers settings tab seems to be broken.

I just cloned a fresh project and completed the Local Setup as per instructions in Docs. This page has errors....
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Where to integrate GraphQL Shield ?

If I wanted to integrate GraphQL-Shield to apply certain filters to Workspace resolvers and queries then what would be the sweet spot to integrate it ?

database volume path

Question about the volume path for the database. In the self-hosted docs the docker-compose specifies ``` db: image: twentycrm/twenty-postgres:${TAG} volumes:...

Kanban view for opportunities not working after update to 0.3.3

Hello, we are using twenty with docker. After the update the kanban view in oportunities is not working anymore... Nothin is visualized in the ui as you can see in the screenshot, table view works. PS: we had to run...
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Connect with google

Trying to connect with google (i have connected it with 0.3.2 previously) Twenty is sending a request to google using Rather than

How would I append a Custom Resolver with my Workspace GraphQL Schema ?

I want to create a custom Mutation Resolver and I want it to be accessed through workspace schema only. How would I do that ? I tried this approach but with this, I am seeing the Query without passing Auth token for my workspace in GraphiQL....
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Cannot access Twenty

I setup a standalone local server using an old Mac mini with ubuntu. So I installed everything using Docker method. Here is my .env:...

Yarn not in twenty-Server 0.3.3 (Docker)

I noticed the file size is 112.21 MB for 0.3.3 vs 0.3.2 of 320.31 MB I noticed this as i usually go into the Twenty-Server container a do the yarn database:reset to get things working. and this time i noticed that and npm wasn't installed is this suppose to be included or not?...

How do I get Mutations and Queries in GraphiQL ?

How can I see all the queries and mutations that are being performed from the frontend in Graphiql (Which right now I am accessing at "localhost:3000/graphql") ? Right now I can only see these. But there are more and they are being accessed by Frontend itself....
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Feature Flag

I want to know from where to handle feature flag. From where to control the feature flag....

Data model

I want to add a sidebar title under workspace by default. like whenever a new user signs-up. he will be shown those all content in sidebar. can anyone guide from where to controll this flow.

Datamodel Store float numbers

Hello Is there a way to store a float? "Numbers" type seems to be Integer only...

2nd Kanban board?

Is it possible to create multiple Kanban boards as a new workspace like the opportunities?

Feature Flag for plan card.

Can anyone tell me from where can i enable or disable feature flag. Or how is it being controlled from the website or what is it's flow and usage in code.

GraphQLError: Variable "$orderBy" got invalid value { position: "AscNullsFirst" }; Field "position"

Testing upgrade from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1 we get this error. I have added the field "position" to company/people/opportunities but I am still getting it. I suspect it might be an issue with updating the TypeORM layer but I am not sure if this is the actual issue. Is there a way to add this Field and continue with the current data?...

Problem with initialising twenty with docker.

Hi everyone I am having this problem when launching the backend with docker. I have forked the project and followed the tutorial. At first I thought the problem was the fact that I had another container using postgres on the same port with the same user (postgres). But I have deleted all containers and still getting this error. Can anyone help me?
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Sort People by name

In the default "People" view, People are displayed as "last created" first. I can filter, or sort by company, etc, but I don't find an option to sort by Name. Any idea how?...
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High cpu and memory utilization on digital Ocean droplet

I'm currently encountering deployment issues with Twenty CRM on my Digital Ocean droplet. However, I'm facing challenges related to high memory consumption and disk space limitations. My current server configuration includes: 25GB Disk Space...
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Update and add Steps to Pipeline Steps

Is there a way to customize the Pipeline Steps? I see those entries in the DB. Is it OK if I manualy change/add some here or is there a better way to do that?...
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