


Building a modern Open Source CRM, powered by the community





Data model

I want to add a sidebar title under workspace by default. like whenever a new user signs-up. he will be shown those all content in sidebar. can anyone guide from where to controll this flow.

Datamodel Store float numbers

Hello Is there a way to store a float? "Numbers" type seems to be Integer only...

2nd Kanban board?

Is it possible to create multiple Kanban boards as a new workspace like the opportunities?

Feature Flag for plan card.

Can anyone tell me from where can i enable or disable feature flag. Or how is it being controlled from the website or what is it's flow and usage in code.

GraphQLError: Variable "$orderBy" got invalid value { position: "AscNullsFirst" }; Field "position"

Testing upgrade from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1 we get this error. I have added the field "position" to company/people/opportunities but I am still getting it. I suspect it might be an issue with updating the TypeORM layer but I am not sure if this is the actual issue. Is there a way to add this Field and continue with the current data?...

Problem with initialising twenty with docker.

Hi everyone I am having this problem when launching the backend with docker. I have forked the project and followed the tutorial. At first I thought the problem was the fact that I had another container using postgres on the same port with the same user (postgres). But I have deleted all containers and still getting this error. Can anyone help me?
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Sort People by name

In the default "People" view, People are displayed as "last created" first. I can filter, or sort by company, etc, but I don't find an option to sort by Name. Any idea how?...
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High cpu and memory utilization on digital Ocean droplet

I'm currently encountering deployment issues with Twenty CRM on my Digital Ocean droplet. However, I'm facing challenges related to high memory consumption and disk space limitations. My current server configuration includes: 25GB Disk Space...
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Update and add Steps to Pipeline Steps

Is there a way to customize the Pipeline Steps? I see those entries in the DB. Is it OK if I manualy change/add some here or is there a better way to do that?...
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Error when adding a relation to an object

I try to add a relation (HQ for HeadQuarters) to a Company. A Company HQ has to belong to One Country (Another Object). I got a 500 error. Any idea why?...

Update Docker install

Hello, I installed version 0.3.0 and I'm looking for updating the installation to last version. How can I do that? Thanks...

Cannot access to demo version

We cannot use '[email protected]' anymore. There is a message with "Plan required" only. Is it a bug?...

Emails greyed out?

how does the email function work? I can send a reset password to the users email. i can log on with google SSO but i dont know how to do the email function. ...
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Failed to parse OpenAPI file

We got Twenty running with nginx and working on i've set it up to forward to the server. so when i go to that url, i get: {"statusCode":404,"message":"Cannot GET /api","error":"Not Found"} so i know its working......

API token not recognised by docs generator

Hi there 👋 I've just gotten started with Twenty. We used the Deploy to Render route, and it went smoothly. However, now when trying to learn more about the API, we can't access the docs. I understand a token is needed to generate the docs specific to our org. So I go to Settings > Developers > Create API key. This works, I get a new token. But when pasting that into, along with our url, I get the error saying a token is required....

Has anyone successfully got this working on docker and Nginx?

I can get this running on docker with localhost. but nothing i do will make it work when using nginx reverse proxy. in the console (chrome) i get "index-O3h98bLs.js:132 ...
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Data Model

I'm playing with datamodel. Sorry, I'm not used to CRM and I studied databases at school two decades ago.. it's blurry in my mind. I created a Country:Countries object with basic informations as name, iso3. I will add some specific fields later on. As you see in the screenshot, I created a Project:Projects objects. One project should be related to at least to one country. ...
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Frontend - Server communication

Hi, I´m trying to self host the docker hub images in Azure Container Apps, and I´m nearly there, but struggeling with some frontend <-> server communications (I think). The server -> db communication is functioning, i.e. I can run yarn database:reset from the server, and it runs through it´s loop ok. I also connect to the frontend url and get greeted with the login modal, but when I try to write something an error ApolloError appers in the upper right hand. ...
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Backup & Restore

Hello In "self hosting" mode, what is the best way to backup/restore Twenty database? Using API or pg_dump? How?...

Install Twenty using Docker on Macbook

Hello I would like to install Twenty on my laptop (Mac) for local use. I never used Docker, but I already setup some "old style" servers....