Created by paulyili on 8/6/2024 in #❓︱help
Filter by multi select field?
Is there a way to create a filter with the multi select field? Say for example we want to select a relationship each business is with our company. - Software Supplier - Hardware Supplier - Media supplier - Online Services - Customer Some companies might have more than 1 e.g Hardware Supplier & Media Supplier. It would be good if we can filter "Media Supplier" to list all media suppliers.
4 replies
Created by paulyili on 7/19/2024 in #❓︱help
apostrophe around persons name
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16 replies
Created by paulyili on 6/16/2024 in #❓︱help
Message sync is slow?
I set up v0.20.0 as a fresh install in docker. updated my docker compose file to the new versions. Ran docker exec -it twenty-worker-1 yarn command:prod cron:messaging:messages-import docker exec -it twenty-worker-1 yarn command:prod cron:messaging:message-list-fetch I can see the sync in the logs, but it only syncs 20 messages every minute. Is that normal? can we make it go quicker? at this rate, it'll sync my emails in about 10 hours 🤣
8 replies
Created by paulyili on 5/5/2024 in #❓︱help
Calendar help (fresh install - Docker)
as usual, i'll fresh install the latest (0.11.1 ) in a test server. I've enabled calander in the env. / docker compose CALENDAR_PROVIDER_GMAIL_ENABLED:true i've enabled the API in the google API when i try to attach my email to it, it does it but when i go back to it in settings, i get "no connected accounts" Are there any prerequisites im missing to get it working?
4 replies
Created by paulyili on 5/2/2024 in #❓︱help
Only sync emails without onboarding contacts.
I was thinking about this... I have a lot of junk emails (not actual junk) but a lot of emails that don't really need to be in a CRM. Should we have an option to not sync contacts, but if we onboard the contact, their emails will sync ? and possibly a way to onboard a contact by using a URL in the BCC area (which is what hubspot does) so if i send an email to a new contact, i can BCC a url and the CRM will pick it up and add it to the database. twenty would generate a url that you could add to the BCC. For Gmail users, as we can use tags to sort out emails.. Maybe we could have the option to sync for specific tags only. so if you have a contact in a tag called "important contacts" that contact will get onboarded + all their emails.
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Created by paulyili on 4/25/2024 in #❓︱help
how do we get the workspace ID ?
trying to migrate from 0.4.0 to 0.10.1
4 replies
Created by paulyili on 4/23/2024 in #❓︱help
Procedure to sync emails? 0.10.0
Always loving new updates! & congrats on 10k stars! I've installed a fresh 0.10.0 on my test ubuntu VM in docker. I do this before migrating in case i stuff something up. im running my usual config, i have redis server running and seems to be working (no errors) first thing i noticed was when connecting emails (gmail) it now has a status of "not synced" how do we get it to sync?
29 replies
Created by paulyili on 4/8/2024 in #❓︱help
Setting up URL/Domain
I get a little stuck on this. in the .env there's the:
# FRONT_BASE_URL=http://lcoalhost:3000
# FRONT_BASE_URL=http://lcoalhost:3000
If i have nginx proxy manager pointing to port 3000. all the methods i try, each time i try to use, i get the same "Mixed Content: The page at '<URL>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource '<URL>'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS." what would be the correct method insetting up the URLs in the .env? running on docker on ubuntu server. i used the "One Command" method to install it. which is great.
51 replies
Created by paulyili on 3/25/2024 in #❓︱help
Connect with google
Trying to connect with google (i have connected it with 0.3.2 previously) Twenty is sending a request to google using Rather than i wont share my google credentials, but i know i have the configured correctly as i can use SSO login.
6 replies
Created by paulyili on 3/24/2024 in #❓︱help
Yarn not in twenty-Server 0.3.3 (Docker)
I noticed the file size is 112.21 MB for 0.3.3 vs 0.3.2 of 320.31 MB I noticed this as i usually go into the Twenty-Server container a do the yarn database:reset to get things working. and this time i noticed that and npm wasn't installed is this suppose to be included or not?
34 replies
Created by paulyili on 3/19/2024 in #❓︱help
2nd Kanban board?
Is it possible to create multiple Kanban boards as a new workspace like the opportunities?
5 replies
Created by paulyili on 2/27/2024 in #❓︱help
Emails greyed out?
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7 replies
Created by paulyili on 2/22/2024 in #❓︱help
Failed to parse OpenAPI file
We got Twenty running with nginx and working on i've set it up to forward to the server. so when i go to that url, i get: {"statusCode":404,"message":"Cannot GET /api","error":"Not Found"} so i know its working... But when i add to the REST API playground - i get "Failed to parse OpenAPI file"
10 replies
Created by paulyili on 2/20/2024 in #❓︱help
Has anyone successfully got this working on docker and Nginx?
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