Ammar Ali
Ammar Ali
Created by Ammar Ali on 6/12/2024 in #❓︱help
connectivity issue via docker
Here is my docker file. version: "3.9" name: twenty services: server: image: twentycrm/twenty:${TAG} volumes: - server-local-data:/app/${STORAGE_LOCAL_PATH:-.local-storage} ports: - "3000:3000" - "5173:5173" networks: - twenty-network environment: PORT: 3000 PG_DATABASE_URL: postgres://twenty:twenty@${PG_DATABASE_HOST}/default SERVER_URL: ${SERVER_URL} FRONT_BASE_URL: ${FRONT_BASE_URL:-$SERVER_URL} ENABLE_DB_MIGRATIONS: "true" SIGN_IN_PREFILLED: ${SIGN_IN_PREFILLED} STORAGE_TYPE: ${STORAGE_TYPE} STORAGE_S3_REGION: ${STORAGE_S3_REGION} STORAGE_S3_NAME: ${STORAGE_S3_NAME} STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT: ${STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT} ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET: ${ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET} LOGIN_TOKEN_SECRET: ${LOGIN_TOKEN_SECRET} REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET: ${REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET} FILE_TOKEN_SECRET: ${FILE_TOKEN_SECRET} depends_on: db: condition: service_healthy healthcheck: test: curl --fail http://localhost:3000/healthz interval: 5s timeout: 5s retries: 10 restart: always db: image: twentycrm/twenty-postgres:${TAG} volumes: - db-data:/bitnami/postgresql ports: - "5432:5432" networks: - twenty-network environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: ${POSTGRES_ADMIN_PASSWORD} healthcheck: test: pg_isready -U twenty -d default interval: 5s timeout: 5s retries: 10 restart: always volumes: db-data: server-local-data: networks: twenty-network: driver: bridge Here is my error Unable to connect to the database (core). Retrying (9)... Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND db at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (node:dns:108:26) [Nest] 1 - 06/12/2024, 11:23:55 AM ERROR [ExceptionHandler] getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND db Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND db at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (node:dns:108:26) The documentation is not updated.
2 replies
Created by Ammar Ali on 5/28/2024 in #❓︱help
how to setup locally with docker.
I am running with docker. but it requires some env setup. what things should be there. here is my env inside twenty-docker directory. TAG=latest POSTGRES_ADMIN_PASSWORD=replace_me_with_a_strong_password PG_DATABASE_HOST=db:5432 SERVER_URL=http://localhost:3000 Uncoment if you are serving your front on another server than the API (eg. bucket) FRONT_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 Use openssl rand -base64 32 for each secret ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=replace_me_with_a_random_string_access LOGIN_TOKEN_SECRET=replace_me_with_a_random_string_login REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET=replace_me_with_a_random_string_refresh FILE_TOKEN_SECRET=replace_me_with_a_random_string_refresh SIGN_IN_PREFILLED=true STORAGE_TYPE=local STORAGE_S3_REGION=eu-west3 STORAGE_S3_NAME=my-bucket STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT=
2 replies
Created by Ammar Ali on 5/24/2024 in #❓︱help
Create Standard object ids
I want to know how can i create standard object ids if i want to add my own object as well. Below are the. id's export const STANDARD_OBJECT_IDS = { activityTarget: '20202020-2945-440e-8d1a-f84672d33d5e', activity: '20202020-39aa-4a89-843b-eb5f2a8b677f', apiKey: '20202020-4c00-401d-8cda-ec6a4c41cd7d', attachment: '20202020-bd3d-4c60-8dca-571c71d4447a', blocklist: '20202020-0408-4f38-b8a8-4d5e3e26e24d', behavioralEvent: '20202020-983d-416b-a5ee-bdd0da3d0f8f', calendarChannelEventAssociation: '20202020-491b-4aaa-9825-afd1bae6ae00', calendarChannel: '20202020-e8f2-40e1-a39c-c0e0039c5034', calendarEventParticipant: '20202020-a1c3-47a6-9732-27e5b1e8436d', calendarEvent: '20202020-8f1d-4eef-9f85-0d1965e27221', comment: '20202020-435f-4de9-89b5-97e32233bf5f', company: '20202020-b374-4779-a561-80086cb2e17f', connectedAccount: '20202020-977e-46b2-890b-c3002ddfd5c5', favorite: '20202020-ab56-4e05-92a3-e2414a499860', auditLog: '20202020-0566-476a-b4c4-a0f9781bd80a', messageChannelMessageAssociation: '20202020-ad1e-4127-bccb-d83ae04d2ccb', messageChannel: '20202020-fe8c-40bc-a681-b80b771449b7', messageParticipant: '20202020-a433-4456-aa2d-fd9cb26b774a', messageThread: '20202020-849a-4c3e-84f5-a25a7d802271', message: '20202020-3f6b-4425-80ab-e468899ab4b2', opportunity: '20202020-9549-49dd-b2b2-883999db8938', person: '20202020-e674-48e5-a542-72570eee7213', timelineActivity: '20202020-6736-4337-b5c4-8b39fae325a5', viewField: '20202020-4d19-4655-95bf-b2a04cf206d4', viewFilter: '20202020-6fb6-4631-aded-b7d67e952ec8', viewSort: '20202020-e46a-47a8-939a-e5d911f83531', view: '20202020-722e-4739-8e2c-0c372d661f49', webhook: '20202020-be4d-4e08-811d-0fffcd13ffd4', workspaceMember: '20202020-3319-4234-a34c-82d5c0e881a6', };
3 replies
Created by Ammar Ali on 5/22/2024 in #❓︱help
Folder Structure Changed
I have pulled main branch after 3 months approx and i saw massive folder structure changes for backend especially like engine folder. I wanna know will there be any more breaking changes further expected?
4 replies
Created by Ammar Ali on 4/17/2024 in #❓︱help
Display specific data in table based on some check.
I want to display specific data like having isDeleted false in table. is there any option for that as i don't want to change reuseable recordIndex components that are already working.
11 replies
Created by Ammar Ali on 4/8/2024 in #❓︱help
Hide Display Table Columns
I want to hide some columns that should not be shown in table like some id's but they will be used to make some checks inside code. where is the implementation for that.
10 replies
Created by Ammar Ali on 3/22/2024 in #❓︱help
Feature Flag
I want to know from where to handle feature flag. From where to control the feature flag.
2 replies
Created by Ammar Ali on 3/19/2024 in #❓︱help
Data model
I want to add a sidebar title under workspace by default. like whenever a new user signs-up. he will be shown those all content in sidebar. can anyone guide from where to controll this flow.
2 replies
Created by Ammar Ali on 3/18/2024 in #❓︱help
Feature Flag for plan card.
Can anyone tell me from where can i enable or disable feature flag. Or how is it being controlled from the website or what is it's flow and usage in code.
2 replies
Created by Ammar Ali on 3/9/2024 in #❓︱help
High cpu and memory utilization on digital Ocean droplet
No description
7 replies