Created by Dev on 3/7/2024 in #fashion-discussion
Integrating GORPcore I’ve been working on this for a bit. It’s a small guide on adding elements of GORPcore to your personal style, taking the approach of swapping items that you’re already working with. I wanted to introduce some defining pieces of the style, give a starting point for expansion, and offer some ideas about integrating GORPcore into an existing wardrobe. This is: for dipping your toes into GORPcore from an aesthetic, not purely functional, point of view. It is about tapping into the visual cues and connotations of the style. This is not: the end-all-be-all of GORPcore. There are other subgenres, specifics, and killer fits that I missed or did not have the space to include. There are plenty of photos if you want to just jump to the moodboard: And some easy listening while you read:
17 replies
Created by Dev on 7/20/2023 in #brands
Cactus Store
Do you like plants? What about gardening gear and graphic Ts?
15 replies
Created by Dev on 7/14/2023 in #brands
40 replies
Created by Dev on 7/12/2023 in #questions-and-advice
what are y’all wearing with this shirt?
16 replies