Trauma Zombie
Trauma Zombie
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Created by Trauma Zombie on 2/12/2025 in #❓┊help
How to create form with Filament styles outside the panel?
Hi, guys, I am trying to create my first Filament form outside of panel, that I have created. I want to send email with signed URL, that will redirect user to fill some form that is on center of blank page styled like Filament panel. I am not sure how to do that easily.
7 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 1/16/2025 in #❓┊help
Is it possible to add some items to breadcrumbs?
Hi guys, I have Organizations and Stores. I want to have in breadcrumbs before each store, organization name. So user can easily navigate to organization that belongs to store.
2 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 12/2/2024 in #❓┊help
How to disable global search for resource?
No description
11 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 11/5/2024 in #❓┊help
How to validate Select relation field?
Hi guys, I have 3 simple models: Organization, Store, Contact. Each Contact can be assign to Store only of his own Organization. I want to use Select field with multiple option, but I need to validate that the stores saved in belongs to organization of that contact.
->relationship('organization', 'name')
->exists('organizations', 'id');

function (Builder $query, Forms\Get $get): void {
$organization = Organization::find($get('organization_id'));

if ($organization) {
$query->where('organization_id', $organization->id);
->relationship('organization', 'name')
->exists('organizations', 'id');

function (Builder $query, Forms\Get $get): void {
$organization = Organization::find($get('organization_id'));

if ($organization) {
$query->where('organization_id', $organization->id);
This works just fine, but user can select Organization first, then select some Stores, then change organization and click save. It will save organization with stores that dont belongs to that organization.
7 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 10/14/2024 in #❓・help
SOLVED: How to get full URL including domain?
Hi guys, how to get full URL of current page including domain?
returns it without domain.
4 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 10/2/2024 in #❓┊help
Repeater for relation with translatable fields
No description
2 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 8/17/2024 in #❓┊help
Confirm model for option inside SelectField?
Hi guys, I have Select field at the beginning of my form for resource. When user selects an option from this field, it fill fill many other fields in that form. It works just fine. But now I need to show confirmation modal when these other fields are already filled, so user has to confirm to update these fields. For the filling these fields, I am using afterStateUpdated hook. But I am not sure if there is an option to show confirmation modal.
1 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 8/13/2024 in #❓┊help
Refresh relation manager from action
Hi guys, I have header action on Infolist and I want to refresh relation manager of the resource after submiting action. Can you help me how to do that?
1 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 7/15/2024 in #❓┊help
How to refresh relation manager on action?
Hi guys, I am trying to figure out how to refresh relation manager after header action from infolist?
2 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 7/9/2024 in #❓┊help
How to close notification slide-over on action
Hi guys, I created some database notifications with action, when I am on mobile and I click on action I am redirected to page, but slide-over is not closed automatically. How to do that?
16 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 6/12/2024 in #❓┊help
Loading wrong model on infolist
Hey guys, I found some strange behavior in my app and I can't help it. I am trying to load all direct children and authenticated user here:
// UserResource.php
/** @return Builder<User> */
public static function getEloquentQuery(): Builder
return parent::getEloquentQuery()
fn (Builder $query) => $query
->where('parent_id', '=', auth()->id())
->orWhere('id', auth()->id()),
// UserResource.php
/** @return Builder<User> */
public static function getEloquentQuery(): Builder
return parent::getEloquentQuery()
fn (Builder $query) => $query
->where('parent_id', '=', auth()->id())
->orWhere('id', auth()->id()),
Inside my users table I see 3 users: Parent (auth one), Child 1 and Child 2. When I click on parent or child 1, I see infolist for these models, but when I click on child 2 it still give me infolist with child 1. Although I can see child id 2 in the url. I am using this package: Can you help point me in the right direction?
2 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 5/30/2024 in #❓┊help
Where to send notification after relationship created
Hi guys, I have two simple models: Task and User. There is belongsToMany relationship between these two. In my Task resource I have Select::multiple() and also UsersRelationManager. In User resource I have TasksRelationManager. I want to send notification each time new user is assigned to task. Where do you suggest to place this part? I tried it inside TaskObserver on created method, but Filament is saving relationships after first commit, so there is no $task->users on created method.
3 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 5/14/2024 in #❓┊help
How to correctly typehint or set return types for IDE support and autocomplete?
Hi guys, I create small macro for all fields and entries:
// FilamentServiceProvider.php

ViewComponent::macro('warningHint', function (\Closure|bool|null $condition, \Closure|string|null $message): static {
return $this->hintIcon($condition ? 'heroicon-c-exclamation-triangle' : null)
// FilamentServiceProvider.php

ViewComponent::macro('warningHint', function (\Closure|bool|null $condition, \Closure|string|null $message): static {
return $this->hintIcon($condition ? 'heroicon-c-exclamation-triangle' : null)
But I still have these warnings: Method 'hintIcon' not found in FilamentServiceProvider|\Filament\Support\Components\ViewComponent Method 'warningHint' not found in \Filament\Forms\Components\Toggle
4 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 5/13/2024 in #❓┊help
How to disable toggables on table?
Hi guys, I have multiple resuable columns, but on some tables I want to disable toggability of that table. I know, I can set $table->searchable(false) to disable searchbar, but how to disable button for toggling columns on table (not on separate columns)?
7 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 4/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Notify user assigned or detached using Select
Hi guys, I have model Task and model User.
class Task extends Model
public function users(): Relations\BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class)
->withCasts(['assigned_at' => 'datetime'])
class Task extends Model
public function users(): Relations\BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class)
->withCasts(['assigned_at' => 'datetime'])
Then I have this select component inside TaskResource:
->relationship('users', 'name')
->relationship('users', 'name')
Is it even possible to notify only assigned or detached users using this Select? I probably know how to do that via relation manager and button Attach and Detach, but I want to do it via this Select.
4 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 3/27/2024 in #❓┊help
Relationship not saved when using createOptionUsing on Select input
Hi guys, I am trying to create subject via select input with createOptionForm. Inside that form is another relationship (seller), that is not saved when I chain createOptionUsing method. When I remove that method seller relationship is saved correctly, but I also need to save broker_id (user) to that subject, thats why I use createOptionUsing method. Can you help me?
->relationship('subject', 'name')
->createOptionUsing(function (array $data, Forms\Get $get): int {
$user = User::find($get('broker_id')) ?? auth()->user();

return $user->subjects()->create($data)->getKey();
->saveRelationshipsUsing(function (Select $component, Model $record, $state) {
dump($component, $record, $state);
->saveRelationshipsBeforeChildrenUsing(function (Select $component, Model $record, $state) {
dump($component, $record, $state);
->relationship('subject', 'name')
->createOptionUsing(function (array $data, Forms\Get $get): int {
$user = User::find($get('broker_id')) ?? auth()->user();

return $user->subjects()->create($data)->getKey();
->saveRelationshipsUsing(function (Select $component, Model $record, $state) {
dump($component, $record, $state);
->saveRelationshipsBeforeChildrenUsing(function (Select $component, Model $record, $state) {
dump($component, $record, $state);
2 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 3/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Stream PDF to response
Hi guys, can you help me stream PDF to response directly from action? Is it even possible? Should I save my PDF firstly?

->action(fn (array $data) => app(GenerateReportAction::class)->execute($data['from'], $data['to']))

->action(fn (array $data) => app(GenerateReportAction::class)->execute($data['from'], $data['to']))
class GenerateReportAction
public function execute(mixed $from, mixed $to)
return pdf()
class GenerateReportAction
public function execute(mixed $from, mixed $to)
return pdf()
I am using Spatie Laravel PDF:
2 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 3/20/2024 in #❓┊help
How to set value to createOptionForm from another field?
Hi guys, I need a little help from you. This is part of my contract form. I have two selects: broker and client. For client select I have createOptionForm for modal creation of client. When I set broker_id in first select I want to use it as broker_id in the createOptionForm. I dont know how. Right now, it will probably get value from the same hidden input. It is null on fill, so it gets null.
// ContractResource form()

Forms\Components\Select::make('broker_id') // this is broker_id on contract model
->options(User::pluck('name', 'id'))

Forms\Components\Hidden::make('broker_id') // this is broker_id on client model
->dehydrateStateUsing(fn (null $state, Forms\Get $get) => $get('broker_id')),


->createOptionModalHeading(__('Create new client')),
// ContractResource form()

Forms\Components\Select::make('broker_id') // this is broker_id on contract model
->options(User::pluck('name', 'id'))

Forms\Components\Hidden::make('broker_id') // this is broker_id on client model
->dehydrateStateUsing(fn (null $state, Forms\Get $get) => $get('broker_id')),


->createOptionModalHeading(__('Create new client')),
2 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 3/6/2024 in #❓┊help
Reusable sections
Hi, I was wondering how you usually create reusable parts for example e.g. infolists or forms? For example I create my own AddressEntry that I am using on multiple resources. The problem comes when I need to access the Address model. This is my demo custom entry:

namespace App\Filament\Components\Infolists\Entries;

class AddressEntry
public static function make(string $name = 'address'): Entry
return TextEntry::make($name)
->url(fn (Model $record) => match (true) {
$record instanceof User => ''.$record->address->street,
$record instanceof Client => ''.$record->user->address->street,
default => ''.$record->street,

namespace App\Filament\Components\Infolists\Entries;

class AddressEntry
public static function make(string $name = 'address'): Entry
return TextEntry::make($name)
->url(fn (Model $record) => match (true) {
$record instanceof User => ''.$record->address->street,
$record instanceof Client => ''.$record->user->address->street,
default => ''.$record->street,
Model in my closure in url method is taken from resource, when I use it on UserResource, it is User etc. It kinda works, but I don't like this implementation. Do you know better way?
27 replies
Created by Trauma Zombie on 3/6/2024 in #❓┊help
Nested relation form
Hi guys, is it possible to create form with nested relations?
// ClientResource.php

// Fields on the entity model

// Fields on the address model
// ClientResource.php

// Fields on the entity model

// Fields on the address model
On my ClientResource I have form like this. My entity model is created, but address model is not. I am not sure, if it is even possible.
19 replies