Notify user assigned or detached using Select

Hi guys, I have model Task and model User.
class Task extends Model
public function users(): Relations\BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class)
->withCasts(['assigned_at' => 'datetime'])
class Task extends Model
public function users(): Relations\BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class)
->withCasts(['assigned_at' => 'datetime'])
Then I have this select component inside TaskResource:
->relationship('users', 'name')
->relationship('users', 'name')
Is it even possible to notify only assigned or detached users using this Select? I probably know how to do that via relation manager and button Attach and Detach, but I want to do it via this Select.
3 Replies
LeandroFerreira3mo ago
Do you mean, send a notification afterStateUpdated?
Trauma Zombie
Trauma Zombie3mo ago
I want to send it after form is submitted. This is probably Laravel problem. For example, when I already have Task, and someone edited it, adds new user via that Select field, I want to send notification to that new user.
toeknee3mo ago
does after exist on the attach/detach action?