Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 6/9/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
One Year of MFAD - Topic of the day 6/9/24
And I will say that MFAD is better organized, the mods have put a lot of effort into organization in the discord, there's lots of little categories and threads to niche yourself into, which I personally like
43 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 6/9/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
One Year of MFAD - Topic of the day 6/9/24
Pants guy with the little birthday hat is very cute 🙂
43 replies
Created by Bigelow on 8/4/2023 in #fashion-discussion
anybody got some favorite jewelry inspo albums please share
803 replies
Created by Spuck on 8/7/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Well spring drive in specific my feeling is that they're so chunky because the technology is (relatively) newer. So a small part of me hopes eventually we'll see thinner spring drive watches... maybe
1807 replies
Created by tim on 11/29/2023 in #questions-and-advice
I like patagonias boxers but they're ridiculous like 30 dollars a pair
46 replies
Created by tim on 11/29/2023 in #questions-and-advice
I have noticed this too about ex officios, they changed them during covid and they're not as good 😦
46 replies
Created by Kailash on 11/1/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Wardrobe Revamp
Christina Mychas has a YouTube video about creating capsule wardrobes out of the clothes you already own, which I would recommend to anybody trying to build a capsule wardrobe: first identify what you already own that works and then come at it from a "filling in the gaps" mentality, rather than starting new from nothing
54 replies
Created by relyt29 on 10/29/2023 in #questions-and-advice
How do you organize your clothing collections and/or what is excessive organization
Been playing with this whering app, it looks very good
18 replies
Created by relyt29 on 10/29/2023 in #questions-and-advice
How do you organize your clothing collections and/or what is excessive organization
Seems like the tldr of that thread is Illustrator / Photoshop/ indesign Excel / Google sheets whering Stylebook Canva
18 replies
Created by relyt29 on 10/29/2023 in #questions-and-advice
How do you organize your clothing collections and/or what is excessive organization
Thanks for the link, was an interesting thread. Might check out one of those apps they mentioned or use canva
18 replies
Created by Bcoffy on 10/29/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Traditional watch with fitness tracker
you can do a "hybrid smart watch" which has a traditional analog face and hides some digital features via bluetooth: I wear a whoop on my right wrist and a traditional watch on my left wrist I also wear an oura ring which looks like a ring but gets you all of that smart watch data whoop also sells "body wear" where you can put the fitness sensor in a special pocket in your tee shirt or underwear
12 replies
Created by Nacho; Savotta cultist on 10/27/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Watchstrap recommendations
Lots of options, depending on what you want Cheapestnatostraps (now cnswatchbands) is great for NATO straps and variety, can buy 5-6 straps in different colors. Quality is crap for leather goods in my experience If you start moving into 2 piece straps, at that price point I'd look at Barton. They make a lot in quick release which is a really nice feature. If quick release is not necessary, take a look at Holbens, they stock pretty good stuff. I am personally a huge fan of the eulit mesh straps which work really well with a vostok diver like that
11 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 10/26/2023 in #topic-of-the-day
Three clothing wishes - Topic of the day 10/26/23
1. A custom made leather jacket 2. Werkstatt München tool traces cuban bracelet 3. An unlimited supply (so I can replace them when they wear out) of Nike Free RN 5.0s from 2018; they changed them and now they're not as good and they don't come in the colorway I want - WHY DO SHOE COMPANIES CHANGE A PERFECTLY GOOD SHOE
52 replies
Created by HashimSharif on 10/20/2023 in #questions-and-advice
is there any male fashion Youtube channels or podcasts you would recommend?
The Iron Snail
19 replies
Created by bancars69420 on 10/19/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Vintage Varsity Jacket
I think it looks really cool
10 replies
Created by Spuck on 8/7/2023 in #fashion-discussion
It's a lot of money for a time only dive watch with minimal finishing I agree the brand heritage is extremely cool but for the almost 1k USD they want for it, there's just so many nicer watches out there
1807 replies
Created by Fejedelem on 9/28/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Can I wear two watches at the same time?
Oura ring or whoop band
16 replies
Created by Spuck on 8/7/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Looks fine. I wear mine looser cause I like to be able to move it around my wrist if it gets uncomfortable Strapcode jubilee looks super sophisticated on the speedtimer. Handsome watch. Enjoy
1807 replies
Created by troutmaskreplika on 7/26/2023 in #brands
American Giant
I try to buy secondhand cause IMO from the store they're a bit expensive
10 replies
Created by troutmaskreplika on 7/26/2023 in #brands
American Giant
I have two hoodies and two tee shirts I have found fit on the hoodies pretty consistent Fit on the shirts I've been struggling with. I bought one shirt off eBay and one in a store. If you can find them secondhand, they're definitely higher quality cotton than say Hanes or American Apparel
10 replies