•Created by ProfStromcord on 3/10/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Fav travel pants?
I actually picked up 3sixteen's recently released utility vest motivated by upcoming travel. looking forward to having my boarding pass, passport, phone, etc, above my waist.
17 replies
•Created by xtc on 3/10/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Decent chain / necklace recommendations.
The second pic is a curb chain. Idk what you would consider too expensive, but there are tons of silver options for that style. I'm assuming you want silver based on the pics. The Great Frog makes a great curb chain in a few different lengths and their stuff is really well-made. I think they ship worldwide?
I also love buying vintage jewelry. You can find some deals, and often end up with a more unique design. You gotta know what you're looking for though if you can't check it out in person. My advice is to not bother with metals other than gold or silver. Everything else either tarnishes or looks cheap after a short amount of time (stainless steel, for example).
4 replies
•Created by Soko on 10/24/2024 in #questions-and-advice
What’s up with normal people wearing MossyOak and Realtree camouflage?
in different eras since like the 50's you could ask the same question about fishing vests, peacoats, sneakers, denim, cargo pants, army camo etc. and the answer is always the same: because ppl like the way it looks.
to be less annoying, popular culture has been having a moment for years now that celebrates the outdoors. this is reflected in aesthetics in many ways, and one of them is wearing hunting camo in BK.
135 replies
•Created by ProfStromcord on 10/23/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Experienced fit-thrower seeking advice & inspo for updating my personal style
also @art yes I am def vibing with the clusaz
17 replies
•Created by ProfStromcord on 10/23/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Experienced fit-thrower seeking advice & inspo for updating my personal style
Ok one thing this thread is teaching me is that there are so many brands I’ve heard of, and been interested in, but never tried out.
Also in terms of referencing shops/stockists, I find it so much more helpful when they do look books vs just product photos. Helps me to see how the thing moves and looks from different angles. This is why I like the j mag style of photography so much.
17 replies
•Created by bwillytime on 10/23/2024 in #questions-and-advice
High Instep Shoes / Boots / Loafers Etc.
yes, loafers are tough for high insteps for sure. I have a pair of Paraboots that look sick but can be painful if my feet swell enough.
19 replies
•Created by ProfStromcord on 10/23/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Experienced fit-thrower seeking advice & inspo for updating my personal style

17 replies
•Created by bwillytime on 10/23/2024 in #questions-and-advice
High Instep Shoes / Boots / Loafers Etc.
Pretty much, yep! This is especially true of the LHS. It does give the shoe a daintier silhouette that some people find "feminine" but I just think it looks classy and a little rakish. AS for sizing, that's a difficult question to answer tbh. It depends on the last, the model, all that. I don't recommend gambling on Aldens without trying them on, or without a good return policy. For the Aberdeen last (tassle loafers), I go TTS. For the LHS, I go a full size down in length and width.
19 replies
•Created by bwillytime on 10/23/2024 in #questions-and-advice
High Instep Shoes / Boots / Loafers Etc.
One thing I've found is that Alden's loafers have a very low vamp, meaning they don't even reach my instep. I find this super comfy bc it effectively removes your instep from the shoe sizing equation.
19 replies
•Created by ProfStromcord on 10/8/2023 in #questions-and-advice
MId-Tier OTR Tailoring in 44S?

10 replies