mfad5mo ago

High Instep Shoes / Boots / Loafers Etc.

It's surprisingly hard to find info on this issue, so I thought I'd ask my fellow high insteppers here. Are there any brands you've found accommodating on the instep front? For instep and sometimes width reasons I usually size up a half-size — and even that often doesn't add enough height to make for a good fit. I've seen folks talk about sizing up and adding orthotics, but worry that going up a full size would have consequences for length and maybe width, causing fits issues and possibly clownish proportions (though maybe I could get use to that). I'd be interested in hearing folks' experiences doing that. I'm desperate and open to any options, styles, etc. Boots, loafers, sneakers, slippers... In terms of the quality and cost tradeoff, I'd prefer to get something stylish that will last for a long time, so let's say in the $100 - $500 range. Thank you all in advance!!
10 Replies
WieDelphine5mo ago
I size up and do orthotics and I dont think its an issue in terms of fits the difference between sizes is often a cm or something I also look for shoe with removable insoles, or ones I can rip out which helps Ive found new balances are okay, and also sanders shoes/boots, and trickers birkenstocks are great as well
heckle5mo ago
Alden has a specific model for inserts which is very roomy but also not as sleek as their other lasts CDI last
I’ve said it once I’ll say it again hundred times: cowboy boots cowboy boots cowboy boots. I have ALWAYS had issues with finding boots that actually provide enough support and cowboy boots are the most comfy options by far
bwillytimeOP5mo ago
thank you for confirming that works! makes me feel more confident trying that out. and I really appreciate the brand recs too! do you remove the insoles and just wear them without to make some vertical room or are you saying you replace them with the orthotic inserts? thank you! I've been wondering about Alden. shoes look beautiful, but I don't have many local options to try them out for fit. good to know they have a specific last for that! that's awesome
WieDelphine5mo ago
I replace them with orthotics generally. Or, i just get a size up and add the orthotic in
ProfStromcord5mo ago
One thing I've found is that Alden's loafers have a very low vamp, meaning they don't even reach my instep. I find this super comfy bc it effectively removes your instep from the shoe sizing equation.
bwillytimeOP5mo ago
Oh interesting... huh. So they just fit snugly over your forefoot and stop there? Do you go TTS?
ProfStromcord5mo ago
Pretty much, yep! This is especially true of the LHS. It does give the shoe a daintier silhouette that some people find "feminine" but I just think it looks classy and a little rakish. AS for sizing, that's a difficult question to answer tbh. It depends on the last, the model, all that. I don't recommend gambling on Aldens without trying them on, or without a good return policy. For the Aberdeen last (tassle loafers), I go TTS. For the LHS, I go a full size down in length and width.
bwillytimeOP5mo ago
awesome! good to know. I will have to give those a try. thank you for the info!! loafers seem extra dicey given the top stitching and folks saying they don't stretch vertically much, so that's an interesting option!
ProfStromcord5mo ago
yes, loafers are tough for high insteps for sure. I have a pair of Paraboots that look sick but can be painful if my feet swell enough.

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