What’s up with normal people wearing MossyOak and Realtree camouflage?
I’ve been noticing people that I don’t see hunting actually wearing these camouflages.
101 Replies
looks good
realtree specifically might be a little off trend rn but milsurp camo has been worn by people outside of hunting/military context for decades for various reasons
lotta basketball shoes on the street but not on the court
also sorry but is this u @Soko https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1116800072093532191/1297291438484095028
christ lmao
Personally I just love to steal valour from hard working hunters
With the added bonus of not being perceived when standing next to a stray tree in the park
It falls i to the greater sphere of workwear which has been a fashion genre for years now.
hahaahahaha you gotta change your name or something after that
you gotta go into fashion witness protection man
Military camos and Milsurp is a bit different from realtree/mossyoak
uh huh
Do y’all think they’re the same thing?
They obviously look different
but when I look at them I say
People buying real tree for fashion purposes making it harder for real tree camo enjoyers to buy and use real tree camo for real tree camo things
I bet these pretenders have never even skinned a buck irl
Tbf maybe they’re hard to see because the camo is so good
in different eras since like the 50's you could ask the same question about fishing vests, peacoats, sneakers, denim, cargo pants, army camo etc. and the answer is always the same: because ppl like the way it looks.
to be less annoying, popular culture has been having a moment for years now that celebrates the outdoors. this is reflected in aesthetics in many ways, and one of them is wearing hunting camo in BK.
Sorry, are you saying it's ok to wear military surplus clothing, but hunters are special and their clothing shouldn't be worn?
It’s just so bizarre how realtree used to be cringe awhile back
Trends innit
insane marketing idea
trends innit
There's an element of irony baked into all of it. Look at me getting my nilla latte in my combat/hunting gear
Thank you chappell for inventing trees
Chappell bless
Is the issue that you think realtree is ugly or that it’s stolen valor
The short of it is it's on trend
IMO is ugly but not stolen valor dafuq?
Ah ok
Very very important distinction lmao
wake me up when I can wear a real actual tree
Most of the camos that people buy for military gear are civilian camos
Yeah it’s not for everyone, it’s just on trend rn
Milsurp camo used to be seen as ugly too
Digicam is commonly perceived as ugly but is working it’s way into streetwear
Just the way she goes
The camo patterns themselves also eb and flow through trends
rain drop camo was everywhere for like 2 years
Some stand the test of time like m83
Now no one cares
Yeah that is me btw, was my fit trash?
You're just wearing camo doing not camo things
Pot kettle situation
I guess? Idk I am pretty convinced that the only piece of clothing that is truly eternal is blue jeans
Everything else flows around jeans
and even then weren't blue jeans originally workwear
There has never been a better time to wear jeans
Only allowed to wear blue jeans if you're in the mines
I probably should’ve rephrase it to “how did realtree become so trendy”
Yeah, I misread your tone as 'why are people who aren't hunting appropriating hunter culture' and got confused when I saw you wearing camo
My bad!
People moved on from the other camos that got popular to differentiate themselves. Something else will crop up when it becomes played out
It used to only really be worn by like rust belt red necks. But I wonder if you have noticed the rising trend of people wearing bass pro shop merch, fishing gear, gorp, ect
People like to take things that are “uncool” and make them cool
Its all kind of the same trend
Post irony or whatever
IMO it started getting used by popular metal bands for their merch a couple years ago and it got more and more popular from there
I remember when the realtree gatecreeper hat hit the timeline
Yeah I think that’s what’s rubbing me wrong, like why are you wearing things you don’t like?
But they do like them
I like it
It’s just complex
this is sick as hell

That’s why it’s post irony
Not just irony
But is that because they genuinely like it or they like the rouse that comes from wearing it?
No they just like it
People like it now.
This hat was a collective awakening of sub culture

There’s presumably an early era where people are intrigued by an aesthetic and want to make some kind of statement with it, then an era of fascination more broadly, then an era of trendiness
and then people move on
and the cycle continues
Trying to parse why any one thing is trendy is only really interesting from an anthropological perspective
There’s not going to be any secret to discover
It’s just the way culture moves
smh Harris campaign stealing my culture
Yeah there’s just some sorta zeitgeist thing I’m too old to understand
IMO realtree stuff is already kinda out
Getting phased out at least.
Perfect time for me to start wearing
It’s cause i just got a pair of pants isn’t it

If I could invest in fashion items like the stock market, when they hit pumas body I am selling everything
this post is irony
anyway I think we kinda explained? Now I am just chatting because there is a chat box in front of me
Hi dang how's ur day
its great actually
from an anthropological standpoint this is very important: it captures the current zeitgeist, a fragment of cultural currents and the materialization of how people are building their identities contemporarily.
real yappers only in here
I think most people probably aren’t aware of how they’re affected by broader cultural moments like this
I'm often saying this
Everyone is playing their part even if it’s a negative reaction to whatever is popular
Realtree is modest and arrogant at the same time. Realtree is lazy and easy - but mysterious. But above all Realtree says this: "I don’t bother you - don’t bother me" sorry soko this is a shitpost
That’s where the next thing comes from a lot of the time
realtree has the most appeal to me when it's juxtaposed woth womenswear because it has such a masc connotation
me after consuming too much real tree

i know praying quality is shit but i still think abt that realtree skirt
those god's favorite hats really had a crazy moment here in the fem punk scene
theres a lot of praying that i like from afar
the father/son/holy spirit bikini
anyway i think ppl wear realtree because cool pattern
it's gone through this ironic moment following a long oversaturation in the south, where it gained a cultural association
i think we're in the long tail of the ironic realtree ppl rn
people still paying $100+ for vintage nascar tees so
thats true, those feel more evergreen (lol) than realtree to me
not sure why
People pay $$$ for vintage terrible band tees, you can't save people from their poor life choices
Fair. I kind of just view the aesthetic collectively I guess
Bass pro shop and zyn chic
that's different to me than vintage tee guys
who are the ppl i associate with nascar shirts
rouse mannnn what are you talking about
nobody is thinking about the hunter forum discourse when they put on clothes dogggg they think it looks cool
some ppl just be puttin shit on
thats really the end of it lol
idt rota puts shit on like that tho
i got a bass pro camo hoodie for christmas and wore it forever
i can honestly say the thought of stolen valour never crossed my mind
you ever skin a buck
Is that a sex thing?
We can probably stop here thank you everybody