•Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/21/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
Pullovers, Polos, and Quarterzips - Topic of the day 1/21/25
Very random clothing newb aside re the quince link above. It says raglan sleeves under details. Those 100% do not look like raglan sleeves to me. Is the description wrong? Do I not know what raglan sleeves are? Totally open to the latter....
128 replies
•Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/21/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
Pullovers, Polos, and Quarterzips - Topic of the day 1/21/25
Stay tuned for tomorrow's topic...MAGA hat styling! Promise the discussion will remain highly focused and entirely apolitical.🤣
128 replies
•Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/21/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
Pullovers, Polos, and Quarterzips - Topic of the day 1/21/25
"Dull" is darn tough to argue and suspected that might be the case.
128 replies
•Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/21/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
Pullovers, Polos, and Quarterzips - Topic of the day 1/21/25
I mean....fair enough if that's the case. Is that how others see it too? Or is this more something about the actual article of clothing separated from its social connotations as being objectively ugly/bad? I realize divorcing the clothes from its social connotations may be difficult as they are inherently entangled but I do find it interesting in the academic sense. Likely relevant to many things in this space...
128 replies
•Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/21/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
Pullovers, Polos, and Quarterzips - Topic of the day 1/21/25
For the record, I have one polo and no quarter zips (besides some workout clothes I don't consider "fashionable" by any stretch of the imagination) so it's not like I love them. Just don't get the hate.
128 replies
•Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/21/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
Pullovers, Polos, and Quarterzips - Topic of the day 1/21/25
Perhaps a stylistic difference, but I don't get the polo/quarter zip hate. Relatively unexciting I suppose, but that's about the worst I can say. My impression is they do walk a fine line by really being suited for casual wear but having recently been elevated to business attire. Perhaps that is the issue?
128 replies
•Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/18/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
Company Swag - Topic of the day 1/18/25
As a former Duke faculty member, really the only reason to wear Duke merch is when getting together with friends at UNC🤣 At least that was my approach!
71 replies
•Created by Al on 1/20/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Need some feedback on these eyeglasses
Look good. If your frameless is still functional (i.e. not changing an Rx or something), I'd consider going a darker frame just so you have two completely different styles to choose from. If the intent is to replace them completely though, this is a great option.
6 replies
•Created by Steve on 1/20/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Raw Denim
Anyways, thanks all! Super helpful as usual.
43 replies
•Created by Steve on 1/20/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Raw Denim
Well, I'm seeing people talking about blue getting everywhere. That was really the nonstarter for me (a long with elaborate care routines). I have a light beige couch and a wife who will commit violence only to defend the life of our child or furniture she really likes
43 replies
•Created by Steve on 1/20/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Raw Denim
Again the tldr is I want good pants that are darker denim and a step up from my prior go-to of "This was on sale at JC Penny for $30"
43 replies
•Created by Steve on 1/20/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Raw Denim
When I said I don't care about fades, I just meant this isn't a "blank canvas whose contrasts will emerge to reflect my living patterns" or whatever I was seeing in the raw denim world (no disrespect to those here for whom this is more of an art form ...I am just at a point in my life right now even minor inconvenience is not worth it for jeans).
43 replies
•Created by Steve on 1/20/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Raw Denim
Appreciate the recs. And yes, totally get that it will fade to some extent (at least everything else I own does!). My mall crap mid- blue jeans I got like five years ago are still pretty mid though (or at least definitely not light). I assume the darker they are the faster they fade in general, but as long as we aren't talking "you get dark indigo for a week and then they're light" it's expected and fine.
43 replies
•Created by Steve on 1/20/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Raw Denim
Yeah, aiming for a dark wash for a first pair of good jeans just because it seems a bit more versatile - at least with my current wardrobe. I literally just want good jeans that are a deep indigo and feel like I went down a rabbit hole of insanity for people for whom this is an art form they have dedicated their lives to. I just want a new pair of pants🤣
43 replies
•Created by Sam Anderson on 1/19/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Need color help with suit and a tie
Agree it's really tough to say without seeing. Im suspicious of matching to the suit color since being slightly off shade could look weird. Normally not a fan of lighter tie with a darker shirt but it may be your only option with that dark a shirt. Maybe a cream or silver depending on the exact color tones?
3 replies
•Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/18/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
Company Swag - Topic of the day 1/18/25
Admittedly that is more about philosophy than fashion per sr
71 replies
•Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/18/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
Company Swag - Topic of the day 1/18/25
I don't really wear it myself (as a prof) but university swag somehow feels more widely OK. Company swag I think would depend some on where I worked and how much I believe in the mission vs it just being a way to pay the bills...
71 replies
•Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/18/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
Company Swag - Topic of the day 1/18/25
@goofus is Marine Layer quality bad or just the work swag isn't your thing? They had 1-2 things I like the style of, but had never heard of them before
71 replies
•Created by Boyca on 1/18/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Is this scarf passable?
Having it laying over the jacket instead of the shirt helps if that's reasonable to achieve
14 replies
•Created by Boyca on 1/18/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Is this scarf passable?
Fine with the jacket, blends a bit too much with the top so you might do better with something a bit lighter to make it stand out more, but this is trivial and it's more than "passable" imo as-is. I like it.
14 replies