Thoughts on this vintage Brooks Brothers 3 piece suit?

Any comments about fit, styling, etc. Just got this off eBay. Will have the sleeves lengthened a touch and the body taken in.
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8 Replies
It’s cool, I probably wouldn’t wear the vest
zeometer7d ago
i'm almost certain i have the same jacket (worn orphaned because why not) and imo it doesn't need the vest; it reads as a decent 3/2 jacket the fit is good imo; i don't think you have to take the body in too much as pinstripe/chalk stripe lends itself to a wider fit
cornvlad7d ago
personally i think it looks amazing, seconding the vest being optional tho
Steve7d ago
Am I wrong in thinking the jacket looks just a hair too long (in addition to needing to be taken in)? This may be the intended style but something about how it hangs near the bottom and interacts with the pants just looks off to me. Overall though this is awesome. Three piece isn't common these days, but if you want to embrace it I can't think of a better suit to do it with.
Digs7d ago
Agree the suit fits you quite well but id also remove the vest. My reasoning is i think it throws off the balance of the outfit having more shirt and tie showing would make it harmonize better
cornvlad7d ago
also unrelated i love the collar on your shirt
Daniel Spasic
Daniel SpasicOP6d ago
Thanks! I am wearing the pants a bit low in this photo (on my hips instead of natural waist) just to make the inseam appear a couple inches longer, so maybe that’s what it is. If I wear the pants where they’re meant to sit right now, they’ll look quite cropped. In any case, I’ll have the inseam let down a bit once I get it tailored Thank you!
As for the vest, for giggles try taking off the jacket and rolling up the sleeves with a vest/shirt/tie combo. Depending on the cut of the vest and pants, it may look really nice and give you a great option for hotter weather It's one of the least appreciated benefits of a three piece imo, the ability to swap the vest for the jacket in hot weather, rolling up the sleeves helps stay cool and makes the vest/pants combo obviously intentional. You get the continuity of the same fabric top to bottom without sweating in the jacket

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