CPA sem 2 Gen Ed course ???
and you learn some interesting stuff, you literally just have to watch movies for class
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CPA sem 2 Gen Ed course ???
very ez
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CPA sem 2 Gen Ed course ???
fun course
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CPA sem 2 Gen Ed course ???
13 replies
Might Fail OOP244
i hope you pass the course, i'd be salty af if something like this happened to me lol
8 replies
Any Mac users in the program?
I used a MacBook so far, didn’t have any problems. For c/c++ I used Clion, everything else I used VSCode
31 replies
Prof recommendations for 2nd semester?
OOP244: Fardad/Cornel WEB222: David Humphrey SFT: Robbin Huang DBS: My prof was alright (Nasim Razavi) but a lot of people say Clint, he wasn't available this sem.
19 replies
What laptop do you use for CPPCPA?
yeah if you have any questions feel free to message me 🙂
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What laptop do you use for CPPCPA?
I just finished my first sem I have an m2 macbook air, worked perfectly fine for me
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