Created by GravesEclipse on 4/18/2024 in #questions-and-advice
fashion advice
i have been wearing black skinnies and graphic t shirts like ones from concerts or hot topic/ spencers etc. i added right nose and booth lobe studs. i then started wearing a black and silver dual bracelet again on right wrist. i recently purchased a handful of rings to figure out what i like and feel confident with. i wear aviators on sunny days. scheduled a tattoo appointment and plan on getting more that I've always wanted. is there any other thing fashion wise i should try because I'm exploring and these are all i kind of know.
7 replies
Created by GravesEclipse on 4/17/2024 in #questions-and-advice
men’s jewelry
I recently got piercings on both lobes and a right nose piercing. (because I was told my right side is my good side) I heard with Single piercings it’s best on your good side. I then have a double bracelet on right wrist. I want 2 to 3 rings. I’m wondering the best layout for bracelet and rings given my piercings. I hear balance is key so I would appreciate help. New to men’s jewelry. Also I’m a fairly skinny 5’10 guy if that matters at all.
30 replies