fashion advice

i have been wearing black skinnies and graphic t shirts like ones from concerts or hot topic/ spencers etc. i added right nose and booth lobe studs. i then started wearing a black and silver dual bracelet again on right wrist. i recently purchased a handful of rings to figure out what i like and feel confident with. i wear aviators on sunny days. scheduled a tattoo appointment and plan on getting more that I've always wanted. is there any other thing fashion wise i should try because I'm exploring and these are all i kind of know.
4 Replies
OceanicEternity•3mo ago
Fit pics?
GravesEclipse•3mo ago
busy but i will when rings come in so you can see the style im trying to go for and figure out what can be improved
tun🌻•3mo ago
Another good starting point would be finding some inspiration pics you can share of others whose style you like. Have a browse of #waywt and #inspiration channels, find some pics on Instagram (there's Instagram follow rec threads if you search on here, or find some celebs you like the style of, etc.) and post some pics here Sounds like you're maybe going for a punk rock kinda look so this thread might be up your street as well
GravesEclipse•3mo ago
Guess I’m going for a more conservative version of an alt look Not all the way but still there if you know what I mean. I don’t want too much edge.