men’s jewelry

I recently got piercings on both lobes and a right nose piercing. (because I was told my right side is my good side) I heard with Single piercings it’s best on your good side. I then have a double bracelet on right wrist. I want 2 to 3 rings. I’m wondering the best layout for bracelet and rings given my piercings. I hear balance is key so I would appreciate help. New to men’s jewelry. Also I’m a fairly skinny 5’10 guy if that matters at all.
19 Replies
Please Go Away
Please Go Away10mo ago
I'm gonna push back on the idea that you should be choosing jewelry styles based on your body type or "good side". I'm sure that the nose piercing looks good on your right side, but without seeing it I doubt that your right side is inherently better, it really is just a matter of personal preference where you want it. There also isn't one best layout for jewelry stacks. I recommend buying individual pieces that you like, and then trying different combinations to see which looks best to your eye. You don't have to wear the same stack every day, and this will also look different depending on the outfit you're wearing. Your nose piercing probably won't affect the right-left balance enough that you should worry about how it plays with the things you're wearing on your hands. If you haven't done so, I recommend looking through the thread on here, there's tons of recs in there for pieces you can try
GravesEclipseOP10mo ago
My outfit without fail is black skinny jeans and a black graphic T or khaki colored skinnies with white graphic T.
Please Go Away
Please Go Away10mo ago
It can be a very interesting look wearing a ton of jewelry with a simple outfit like that. I still can't recommend one specific stack layout as "the best" and recommend looking for individual pieces you like. There will be some trial and error and that's ok.
GravesEclipseOP10mo ago
So when thinking about jewelry balance I should separate head/ face jewelry and hand/wrist jewelry?
kyn10mo ago
GravesEclipseOP10mo ago
Is that what you meant or just that balance is irrelevant?
kyn10mo ago
Balance is extremely subjective and there isn’t an objective metric or pattern to follow that will work best for everyone Buy what you like, try it out, iterate I bought like 9 rings in the last ~9 months, went from wearing 0 to 2 to 6 to 9 and I’m back to 0, it’s whatever you like and works with what you’re doing at the time
GravesEclipseOP10mo ago
Was it 2 on one hand or 1 each?
kyn10mo ago
Depended on the day
GravesEclipseOP10mo ago
I got you guys, I was confused cause when I watch videos they speak about balance and certain rules with men’s jewelry.
kyn10mo ago
I personally had less fun and was more stressed out worrying about balance than just putting that shit on Objective / prescriptive rules about fashion are (largely) not productive And (imo, and seeing a lot of the discourse they generate here) a lot of the people who make that content know they have an incentive to make people feel insecure by providing “objective” advice that could make someone question whether their taste or body is “wrong” if what is prescribed doesn’t look or feel as good as something that doesn’t follow the “rules” being dictated Dig up inspo, see what other people are doing, put that shit on, repeat You can mix metals, be imbalanced, etc and still look good, I promise
zeometer10mo ago
balance can also depend on the outfit itself; those videos tend to hyperfocus on only one thing while losing out on the context of everything else you wear
kyn10mo ago
Yeah, you can intentionally be imbalanced in one aspect if your outfit or silhouette draws attention somewhere else etc
GravesEclipseOP10mo ago
I was told recently by an alt chick I was talking with and her friend I would look good with piercings (specifically nose). I always wanted to try piercings so I just went and got lobes and nose. I always wore a leather band or tried to. I’m now rocking a silver and black duo bracelet. The rings I have never aspired to have yet wanted to try recently since I’m tryna explore my style.
kyn10mo ago
Sounds like you’re experimenting already, which is great!
GravesEclipseOP10mo ago
I do like silver and black jewelry maybe brown leather bands The only thing is I just rock the black skinnies and black graphic shirt. Feel like that’s my style. Jewelry is my new focus and tryna learn as much as I can In my head 2 on left 1 on right seems like my style ring wise. But 1 on each but different finger would be cool. Whats the thought on rings on left ring finger even if not married or engaged?
kyn10mo ago
There’s discourse on this but generally if you have a bunch of rings it won’t stand out, if you have few it could be hard to discern. If it’s obviously not a wedding- or engagement-type ring I wouldn’t worry about it.
justlooking10mo ago
i dont wear a ton of jewelry but i do wear on my left side my wedding ring, two bracelets, and a watch. on my right hand just a single ring on the middle finger. also a necklace. when i was younger i wore a lot more: 3 rings on my right hand (pinky, middle, index), 2 on my left (middle and thumb), 2-3 necklaces in different lengths, plus a watch and bracelets (2 on left, one on right) personally i prefer not having the symmetry just because i find it a little more interesting that way
GravesEclipseOP10mo ago
Ty for all the help

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