Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
error with import: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom'; do you have advice on a react navbar with routing? or can I simply do something with href? because i'm planning on making pages like main.tsx secondpage.tsx and have a navbar on the side switching between the pages.
31 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
error with import: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
yeah that would be perfect! 🙂
31 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
error with import: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
i'll start working with v5 for now
31 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
error with import: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
ah okay thanks for the answer!
31 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
error with import: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom'; looks like wasp is using version 5.3.3 for react-router-dom but I'm using 6+ can I update wasp to use the same version as me?
31 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/17/2024 in #🙋questions
using the same navbar from the landingpage for the pricing page and removing the other navbar.
No worries haha enjoy your holiday!
22 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
error with import: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom'; do you have any advice on making my own routing and navbar? because right now it's not workign and I need a navbar for my dashboard
31 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
error with import: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
pff will try something else for the routing :sadboi:
31 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
error with import: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom'; also "element" is underlined in red idk why normally it works. <Route path="/" element={<Dashboard />} /> <Route path="/2dashboard" element={<2Dashboard />} /> <Route path="/generator" element={<Generator />} />
31 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
error with import: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom'; this is my import statement: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom'; but routes and routeboject just isn't working.
31 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
don't need to check this question only need kapa for debug :) will close after.
thanks I solved it!
19 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
don't need to check this question only need kapa for debug :) will close after. I think it's a tailwind css predefined class.. how can I overwrite this prob in app.tsx right? I changed something in the tailwind.config.cjs file by adding in the theme a custom class for max-width for my page, but it doesn't overwrite it while i'm using it in my page styling..
19 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
don't need to check this question only need kapa for debug :) will close after.
I think it's a tailwind css predefined class.. how can I overwrite this prob in app.tsx right?
19 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
don't need to check this question only need kapa for debug :) will close after. I need to find the "max-width: 80rem;" in the codebase and change it, but I can't find it anywhere
19 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
don't need to check this question only need kapa for debug :) will close after.
I need to find the "max-width: 80rem;" in the codebase and change it, but I can't find it anywhere
19 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
don't need to check this question only need kapa for debug :) will close after.
19 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #🙋questions
don't need to check this question only need kapa for debug :) will close after.
well that's the thing it's not in main.css and can't find it anywhere 🤣
19 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/17/2024 in #🙋questions
using the same navbar from the landingpage for the pricing page and removing the other navbar.
app.tsx function with fix:
const shouldDisplayAppNavBar = useMemo(() => {
const pagesWithNavBar = ['/pricing'];
return pagesWithNavBar.includes(location.pathname);
}, [location]);
const shouldDisplayAppNavBar = useMemo(() => {
const pagesWithNavBar = ['/pricing'];
return pagesWithNavBar.includes(location.pathname);
}, [location]);
normal navbar function in app.tsx:
const shouldDisplayAppNavBar = useMemo(() => {
return location.pathname !== '/' && location.pathname !== '/login' && location.pathname !== '/signup';
}, [location]);
const shouldDisplayAppNavBar = useMemo(() => {
return location.pathname !== '/' && location.pathname !== '/login' && location.pathname !== '/signup';
}, [location]);
I only changed the function to never show the AppNavBar.tsx it will only show if add in the const pagesWithNavBar
22 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/17/2024 in #🙋questions
using the same navbar from the landingpage for the pricing page and removing the other navbar.
solved ✅ I changed the settings in app.tsx for the navbar by only showing at set urls, so for me only for /pricing (remove the "/" so landingpage otherwise it will use both). to use the AppNavBar.tsx (modified this to my likings so added a home option). The landing page got a different Navbar so didn't touch that one. now I don't have a navbar on my apps and stuff, but will use a custom one for my webapp/dashboard.
22 replies
Created by Hugoo on 9/17/2024 in #🙋questions
colors/styling not changing for webapp when changing to dark mode.
yep looks like this was the issue haha 😁
15 replies