•Created by Hugoo on 10/1/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
I want just 1 page like coverlettergpt. how can I do this with the opensaas boilerplate?
like the title is saying i want to build my own app and ship it fast like real fast. I want a simple 1 page website like coverlettergpt and just have my app there and of course auth before using it. and maybe below the app a buy credits section. how can I do this with the opensaas boilerplate? should I not delete a lot of stuff?
126 replies
•Created by Hugoo on 9/24/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
best library for a react js ui components dashboard? with tsx.
what is a library that you recommend to use to build a custom dashboard for my webapp, i've used shadcn but I keep getting errors and was thinking about other libraries but not sure if they support tsx and stuff and react.js
21 replies
•Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
error with import: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
Routes and RouteObject are underlined in red, but im using the latest version "[email protected]" I can't seem to fix this problem
31 replies
•Created by Hugoo on 9/18/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
don't need to check this question only need kapa for debug :) will close after.
kapa I got an issue with the max width function "max-w-7x1" I need to overwrite this for my /webapp page so my own dashboard I need the full widht of the page and not limited by the max-w-7x1 styling. and that is 80 rem. but I can't find this styling anywhere in my folder. where can I find this and how can I overwrite this just for my /webapp page so it doesn't change for the landing page and stuff.
19 replies
•Created by Hugoo on 9/17/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
using the same navbar from the landingpage for the pricing page and removing the other navbar.
I wan't to only use the landingpage navbar, because my webapp will be a completely different UI with a different navbar. so I want the pricing navbar to be the same as the landingpage navbar. and don't use the other navbar. (i'll build a different navbar for my webapp but I need the fullscreen for it to look nice so not a navbar on the top the whole time and a vertical one on the left.
22 replies
•Created by Hugoo on 9/17/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
colors/styling not changing for webapp when changing to dark mode.
When changing to dark mode the colors aren't changing properly for the webapp I build with mage AI. the background stays white and somet text does change but becomes white for some reason. how can I change this styling?
15 replies
•Created by Hugoo on 9/16/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
simple question that the will probably help me with :) |adding my .txs webapp UI layout how?
I've build a .TSX file with my UI dashboard for my webapp application. but how can I now add this to the boilerplate?
56 replies
•Created by Hugoo on 9/5/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Streamlit App on subdomain with wasp boilerplate for landing page and backend. possible?
I have my webapp build with streamlit and i'm wondering if I can use wasp boilerplate for the landing page/main website. like the template website.
I was thinking about running the streamlit app on a subdomain like "" and the landing page just the normal domain like: "".
I would assume this is all possible because streamlit can be deployed to and wasp as well so i can run it on the same hosting. but I can't find any topics about this so i'm wondering if I'm missing anything here.
Can i use wasp boilerplate for my streamlit app?
7 replies