Danny Lightning
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 6/15/2024 in #tech-help
a few obs and vlc media player questions

13 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 6/6/2024 in #tech-help
Need New Motherboard for A i7, needs lots of usb ports.
I want to Avoid Asus as im not liking how they are doing things lately and seem like quality has gone down alot with them but i need a good reliable motherboard for a 13 or 14th gen i7, i would like lots of usb ports and would rather not spend a fortune, i do not plan to over clock but i need it for gaming, video and audio editing. the MSI MPG Z790 EDGE looks like a winner anyone have any reason not to get that, its more expensive that i would like but i guess i can bust out the credit card, i know a lot of new boards are cooking processors or some crap according to you tube, i see lots of good reviews on that Mother Board
3 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
So this is interesting, probably about a year ago or 2 years ago I got a El Gato HD 60X capture card, plugged my camera into it and set it up on OBS and when I talked the words were think with my mouth movement so it did not require any delay
I just wiped my hard drive reinstalled Windows set everything back up and now I have to add a 250 millisecond render delay on the camera or I should say the capture card on OBS in order to get it to sync up,
What I don't understand is why I now have a delay on the capture card going into OBS when I did not before. In the past I only had a color correction filter on the camera and now I have a render delay and a color correction and I really don't understand why it would be any different.
24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/10/2024 in #tech-help
Windows 11, My PC has started turning on and off almost like a mini boot loop after it wakes up
So this start happening recently and somewhat often, probably about a year ago I just replaced the motherboard and the power supply, I got a really nice ASUS motherboard and a really good Corsair 850 w power supply, I have a PNY 3080 graphics card, I'm sort of i7 and I think it's 11th generation, Corsair vengeance RAM. This is something that just started a few weeks back
So basically sometimes when the computer wakes up from sleep it kind of acts like it just keeps turning on and off and then it'll take like a minute or two before it finally boots up. Other times I wake it up from sleep and it wakes up like normal
If I look at the windows error reports it's not finding any errors after this happened so I don't think it's actually boot looping but it's doing something that seems like a little boot loop
I don't know if this is a problem that a lot of people are having after the latest windows update or if I'm having a graphics card problem
Not too long ago one of my monitors would sometimes turn on and off and I had to remove the HDMI port, and then I plug that monitor in with a display port instead and it's been fine so I don't know if the graphics cards not putting out a proper signal from the HDMI or if the HDMI port on the monitor's messed up but I don't know I've just had a couple of weird things happening over the last couple of months and then the almost mini boot loop the last couple of weeks
I ran a thing in terminal to check for hard drive errors and it's not finding anything
Any ideas what might cause that?
2 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/3/2024 in #tech-help
DaVinci resolve, my videos look blurry or pixelated when the FPS games have a lot of movement

44 replies