Danny Lightning
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 6/15/2024 in #tech-help
a few obs and vlc media player questions
Thanks i appreciate it 🙂
13 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 6/15/2024 in #tech-help
a few obs and vlc media player questions
I don't think my video player works with fragmented MP4
and why do you have fastest lowest quality?? Do we really want the fastest lowest quality setting ??
13 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 6/15/2024 in #tech-help
a few obs and vlc media player questions
Thank you, I will check that out
13 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 6/15/2024 in #tech-help
a few obs and vlc media player questions
Thank you, I appreciate that
I'll try out that media player. Never heard of that one but I'll look it up thank you
13 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Luigi__91 on 5/15/2024 in #tech-help
"OBS didn't close properly"
or i should say some VST's can cause it to close randomly from time to time.. not all VST's are optimized to work with OBS
6 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Luigi__91 on 5/15/2024 in #tech-help
"OBS didn't close properly"
do you have any vst plugins going ?? i notice audio vst plugins will cause that to happen here and there.
6 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
I deleted the driver for the elgato capture card, deleted the delay filter that I had on OBS for the capture card, Make sure OBS did not have any delay on any of the audio sources. Restarted the computer which I believe should have reinstalled the driver for the capture card. Both the cameras are in sync if I put them on the screen of the same time when I move on one I move on the other, did a quick audio recording and now the audio appears to be in sync with the video
Maybe the driver for the capture card installed funny or something, but as of right now seems to be okay, hopefully it stays this way and thank you for the help. .
24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.

24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
@//addie When I go into properties for the capture card there is a box that says use hardware to coding when available, something I should check?
24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
I think I'm going to uninstall a couple of drivers and then reinstall them and see if that does anything
24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
The interface has a simple rate of 4800, buffer size of 192 and it has safe mode turned on which says a 19.3 millisecond round trip latency
24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
Do you have any suggestions to fix the problem? Like I said it wasn't like this a few days ago. I wiped the hard drive reinstalled windows and now it's like this.....
24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
And it's only USB 2.0 capture card so I don't think the USB ports going to be a problem
24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
I have the capture card plugged into one of the red USB ports on my computer so I think that's a USB 3.2.
24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
So yeah the audio syncs up with the elgato face cam so it definitely seems to be the capture card that's out of sync
24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
Actually I'm going to double check with my other camera right now. And make sure the audio and video syncs up if I don't have a delay on the audio
24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
So I can either do it like I did in the top picture and then it seems to match up with all audio sources or I can put the offset in the audio but then only if that audio source matches up with the video
24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.

24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.

24 replies
AAE📼 Addie’s Analog Emporium 🌐
•Created by Danny Lightning on 5/12/2024 in #tech-help
elgato hd60X OBS studio, it now has delay.
So I can either go into advanced audio properties on OBS and add 175 milliseconds to each microphone. Or I can add a render delay filter to the capture card and add 175 milliseconds, either one of those things will make the audio and video in sync.
But I have an audio review channel so I'm constantly using different interfaces and microphones and I guarantee I'll forget if I have to add a delay or whatever onto the microphone every single time I plug a different one in and then things are going to get messed up, do it seems like adding the delay to the camera or capture card itself I should say would be the way to go about it cuz that's the one that seems to be out of sync
But I have an audio review channel so I'm constantly using different interfaces and microphones and I guarantee I'll forget if I have to add a delay or whatever onto the microphone every single time I plug a different one in and then things are going to get messed up, do it seems like adding the delay to the camera or capture card itself I should say would be the way to go about it cuz that's the one that seems to be out of sync
24 replies