Sam Bam Thank You Maam
Sam Bam Thank You Maam
Created by Sam Bam Thank You Maam on 9/27/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Suit pricing
Ok, save-the-dates for friends' weddings are starting to roll in, and I've never bought a suit before. I realize that I'm completely out of my element to know what I should be prepared to pay. Is the guide at accurate?
80 replies
Created by Sam Bam Thank You Maam on 8/22/2023 in #questions-and-advice
NYC vintage/thrift shops
Hey all! I'm heading to NYC this weekend and was thinking of doing a bit of clothes shopping while I'm there. I know there's been discussion of vintage shops in the city before, but I can't find it. Preferably, I'd love places that have both a good selection of men's and women's wear, since I'll be traveling with a mixed group. Thanks!
12 replies
Created by Sam Bam Thank You Maam on 7/28/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Pants for larger hips/butt?
I'm trans, but this might also be relevant/a good question for guys who lift and don't skip leg day. I have issues with pants fitting everywhere except my hip area due to those areas being larger than they would be on cis men. Does anyone have recommendations for brands/cuts that might be a bit roomier in that area without completely swamping me elsewhere?
23 replies