Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
I'm looking to add a little bit of monetization to my server by creating/implementing cheap cosmetics. What is the best/most popular method of doing this? This is intended for a simple SMP server.
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/8/2024 in #questions
What are some recommended server monetization platforms?
I'm new to public server hosting, and I'm trying to work out the framework of how to run a server with monetization. I would like to offer simple cheap stuff like cosmetics, hats, etc. and accept donations and I'm not sure where to start with researching the best option. TIA!
15 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/5/2024 in #questions
Best way to secure a public server with home setup?
I'm fairly new to the self-hosting scene. I've hosted quite a few minecraft servers for friends and whatnot, but I think I want to have a go at a public server for anyone. My biggest concern is security and protecting my home network. I started by following a tutorial by Hardware Haven on setting up a server with CasaOS and Crafty. He reccommended using as a tunneling method to make the server accessible to everyone. Is a sufficient enough wall of security to allow anyone on the internet to join? I'm willing to throw a few bucks their way if it makes the whole hosting process easier/more secure. I'm not seeing anything about it on the website. Please let me know, and thank you in advance! 🙂
16 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/2/2024 in #questions
Resources for starting up a new public server?
I'm fairly unfamiliar with how to set up a public server. Are there any resources out there that can guide me in the right direction when it comes to what OS to use, what version is best to use for specific preferences (Vanilla, Spigot, etc.), how to secure the server if it's running off of a home system? Trying to be as specific as possible but my breadth of knowledge is extremely limited because I'm new to all of this. Thank you 🙂
6 replies