Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
dude, thank you, you dont know how helpful that is just to get started
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
and i will definitely DM you if theres something i cant find a solution for anywhere. i appreciate your help
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
ive opened blockbench a handful of times and messed around, thats the extent of my knowledge lol
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
im fairly unfamiliar with implementing custom stuff so when i start to look into this kind of stuff it all gets put under a big "i need to learn how to code in java" umbrella even though its usually not that complicated
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
lol yeah the more i look at it the more i realize its not really java
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
familiarize myself more with java
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
ill look into how itemsadder works, seems like a great option
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
thats sick
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
was wondering how to make that as seamless as possible for users/myself
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
Sounds like a good solution, I was considering learning blockbench to make custom models for cosmetics and stuff
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
not that the eula matters to most p2w servers lol
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/9/2024 in #questions
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
haha i would like to stay away from that because its against eula and stuff, im really just trying to avoid operating the server at a loss
31 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/8/2024 in #questions
What are some recommended server monetization platforms?
thats awesome. i was worried it was going to be super complicated. do you know if ultra cosmetics allows for custom modeled cosmetics?
15 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/8/2024 in #questions
What are some recommended server monetization platforms?
I assume that could be achieved with a plugin like ultra cosmetics. I don't know of any other cosmetic plugins really.
15 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/8/2024 in #questions
What are some recommended server monetization platforms?
I.E. someone buys something on my website and they automatically get it in game
15 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/8/2024 in #questions
What are some recommended server monetization platforms?
Do you know of any resources regarding how to implement stuff like cosmetics into your server and linking it with Tebex? As I said I'm extremely new to all of this and I feel a bit lost.
15 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/8/2024 in #questions
What are some recommended server monetization platforms?
I see. It doesn't seem half bad, fairly cheap
15 replies
Created by Pacnano on 7/8/2024 in #questions
What are some recommended server monetization platforms?
ive seen people recommend tebex, is there a particular reason why this one is so popular?
15 replies