Pants rise - Topic of the day 1/22/25

Are you high rise or low rise? Or skyscraper idk I’m spitballin here, density good let’s talk about congestion pricing amiright
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80 Replies
pumaturtle2mo ago
higher the rise the closer to god
stevie2mo ago
i do prefer something that sits on the hip for comfort tbh, like a low/mid rise i like high rise aesthetically but it's way harder to size right as a bigger person
I wear high rise pants on my hips
deltic2mo ago
give me high rise or give me death
unless we're doing tailoring or formal or wtv I just like all the space
deltic2mo ago
as a pretty tall guy mid or low rise just looks a bit odd on me especially being quite slim, i think others can make mid or low rise look superb mind
Scott (stupid)
Scott (stupid)2mo ago
High rise w/ a cropped top is very cool but I'm finding it a bit of a skill issue as I don't like tucking t shirts, and most of my tops are on the longer side. as with many things, I find mid easiest if least interesting
sharloy2mo ago
Mid rise and low rise jeans look great on taller and slim people
deltic2mo ago
i’ve never found they suit me all too much i also just don’t find them as comfy
sharloy2mo ago
I think mid and low rise look good as long as they’re not chinos or in a dusty brown or rust color
deltic2mo ago
Ahh yeah see 90% of my tops get tucked lol
sharloy2mo ago
That’s fair, I don’t find high rise that comfy. I end up wearing high rise like a mid rise Yea if you’re tucking mid to high usually works better
sam2mo ago
low rise fucks if ur wearing a crop top tho like just lean into the hot girl vibe
Scott (stupid)
Scott (stupid)2mo ago
seems oddly specific...
sam2mo ago
and i think it still looks great if u have a lil tummy
mid rise/low rise jeans look so good in like punk/emo inspired fits
za warudo
za warudo2mo ago
For me 12" rise is best for fit.
stevie2mo ago
he's literally me
yeah same it slips down my not 6-pack
stevie2mo ago
i like my high rise balloon pants bc they go up to my ribs so they stay up 👍 i look like peter griffin with the legs or whatever i don't watch the samsons
Garlic_Sucker2mo ago
High rise looks really cool with a tucked in big shirt
deltic2mo ago
i actually think i exclusively own high rise jeans
Holfram2mo ago
I do need my rises kinda high because I’m a serial tucker and I’ve got a pretty long upper body. Anything less than ~13 inches will be kind of uncomfy and eleven and less is borderline innaproriate for me lol
stevie2mo ago
get some low rise show a lil ass crack as a treat let the cheeks breathe
za warudo
za warudo2mo ago
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deltic2mo ago
that’s not a treat that’s a whole ass dinner and not a dinner i’d enjoy
femto2mo ago
High rise changed my life, for me it's the higher the more comfortable - I wear pants above the belly button when I can - and on balance looks better to the point that I feel better about my body. Ditched all my old low rise pants (still have a few mid rise) That sure checks out, I tend to tuck a lotta shirts since I have biiig shoulders-arms-neck for my height
"miguel"2mo ago
~11 inches is like a few cm below my navel, looks the best for me mid-high i suppose for a 32 waist
Generally prefer high rise because I like to tuck and also it’s more comfortable for my love handles
cornvlad2mo ago
i like a good 14 inch rise, hits right at my belly button
lyon2mo ago
high rise, generally, because then i don't need a belt, which saves precious seconds in the bathroom
nowhereface2mo ago
For me it depends on the season lol When it‘s warm enough to wear crop tops I prefer low rise but in the winter I only wear high rise
Imo anything that falls in the 10” to 14” rise is perfectly acceptable and will look/be comfy for most folks. Anything below that range and you’re drifting into 2002 Hollister, anything above and it’s verging on a little TOO high. Sweet spot is 11.5” rise
cornvlad2mo ago
it also heavily depends on torso length and crotch comfort. imo just sweetspot for belly button ish and crotch comfort
This is one of those things where personal preference really comes into play. Anything under 12.5 inches feels uncomfortable for me, like I’m exposed
Hundred percent, should’ve added that the 11.5” was ideal for me specifically
deltic2mo ago
i stand corrected, mid to high rise or give me death
I feel like it should be mentioned that you have to have real fashion brain worms to have an ideal rise measurement. Like, how many pants have you tried on to get to that point?
Need I post my dedicated jeans garment rack? :xd:
deltic2mo ago
whatever 13mwz’s are, that’s what i like lmao. wouldn’t go a whole lot lower
Maybe. Might make me feel more normal
Between 11.5 and 13 depending on model, year, etc
deltic2mo ago
i feel like there just right. sit about a cm or so below my bellybutton and works well with tucked and the occasional untucked tshirt
@jawntanamo_bae 🥀 feel normal, buddy, this isn’t even 1/4 of them
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deltic2mo ago
the dream?
denim on denim on denim, blessings on blessings on blessings
Nightmare perhaps
deltic2mo ago
honestly my wardrobe is beyond disorganised. i’d love something like you’ve got where you can just easily look and see what you’ve got. student living does not quite allow for personal interior design choices though haha think my jackets take up like half my hanger space
awburkey2mo ago
rise is a really fantastic way to play with proportions and silhouette. High rises are sorta in on this server rn but lower rises can be used to great effectiveness. Especially when you avoid the 10" rise on super slim fit and cropped pants
Free standing clothing rack is the way to go
deltic2mo ago
my room is the size of some walk in freezers haha
lyon2mo ago
ME TOO MAN tiny closets in cold places should be a CRIME
Suffer? :xd:
deltic2mo ago
fuck landlords
"miguel"2mo ago
which ones do you wear the most or are your favorites? I'm curious
goofus2mo ago
i feel exactly the same. I’ve been enjoying mid a lot more for myself.
Yakkeks2mo ago
I have yet to find a pants rise that is to high for me, and I own 15'' rise SFC Jeans And those fit great on me
jibba2mo ago
I really like the look of high rise, but I cannot get the pants to stay up without an uncomfortably tight belt unless they fit absolutely perfectly. I'm always sad when I have to cover my high rise with a sweater in the winter lol
jfarrell4682mo ago
It's the opposite for me. With high rise, the bulge of my belly helps them stay in place without a belt.
Strooz2mo ago
Love high rise, but as someone who is taller with a longer torso it can be hard to find. 12.5" is now my minimum and that's a mid rise, just below the naval.
cornvlad2mo ago
yep, i’m in the same boat, 13 is my minimum for an inch ish below my naval
Mister Freedom
Zee2mo ago
high rise for me so my bum crack doesnt show
punchouli2mo ago
mid rise with a cool belt... high rise presses a bad spot and makes me feel like I have to poop all day :ToiletPaperFren:
deltic2mo ago
i feel like to an extent the difference between mid-rise and high rise is smaller than low rise to mid rise if that makes sense at least visually more obvious
Ninjury2mo ago
I like high rise but it can look like it swallows my whole body as a shorter dude. Which, I don’t necessarily dislike but it feels like a Look On the other hand, rule of thirds from my collar to my feet lands about an inch over my belly button, which is kinda great. If I’m measuring right. Which I may very well not be.
Steve2mo ago
Like most things, I think somewhere in the middle normally looks best. Mid-high is fine. I rarely see true high-rise that I like, it just always makes people look very weirdly proportioned to my eye 🤷 I know people like it and respect that, but just not for me. For what it's worth I feel similarly about extreme low rise.
jplicks2mo ago
Wow this image takes me back lol All timer
disc o'van
disc o'van2mo ago
high rise always; highER rise preferred if i'm wearing outer layers I can tolerate a jean with not as high a rise
Bread2mo ago
Where is “high rise” in relation to belly button
cornvlad2mo ago
imo it’s belly button and up
well that's lame because I guess I have an average torso and average legs but the part in between is just too big never had "high rise" reach my belly button 12"/13"
Nipun Talwar
Nipun Talwar2mo ago
Does anyone have pants suggestions for a 13” rise with a size 30 (15” waist)? That’s my ideal rise, but it’s hard to find those proportions. Have the TCB 40s jeans so far that are roughly that
Strooz2mo ago
Maybe Casatlantic?
"miguel"2mo ago
bronson mfg has some 13 inch rise chinos and other pants i would get them if i wasnt already 90% legs
Talbot2mo ago
12-13 for me
Maury2mo ago
I have the same issue. Do you just live with the uncomfortable feeling of a tight belt?
Talbot2mo ago
jibba2mo ago
No, I have back issues and it tends to hurt after a while. I just pull them back up after a while or let them fall.

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