Created by jplicks on 12/17/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Saved search alerts for proxying from y!jp / mercari / etc.?
I know a lot of you (myself included) buy secondhand clothes from Yahoo Auctions Japan, Mercari, etc. using proxy services. My usual procedure is to manually search for what I want repeatedly and hope it shows up at a good price. I'd love to set up saved searches that will notify me when something I want appears, like I do on eBay. Does anyone know a good way to do this? I imagine mercari/y!jp have this built in if I make an account with them, but the UI for that seems challenging without speaking Japanese (I'm sure the email alerts would be in Japanese too, etc.). Is there a more convenient way to do it for a non-Japanese speaker like myself? E.g. some proxy servies (like zenmarket) index y!jp/mercari and let you search them directly on the zenmarket site. Maybe there's another proxy service that lets you do saved searches? Or is my best bet to just do it with the jp resale sites directly? Thanks in advance if anyone has insights!
2 replies
Created by jplicks on 11/28/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Cobbler recommendation in Boston?
I know some of y’all live here, anyone have a cobbler that they like? Just need to have some boots stretched and pick up some bick 4, nothing crazy. Just curious to hear peoples recommendations. Ideally in Cambridge/Somerville but in the city is fine too.
3 replies