Lies r/malefashionadvice Told Me - Topic of the day 10/15/24
Okay so maybe not "lies" but what are ideas that you read/adopted from r/mfa or other places in the past that you've since changed your view on? What motivated this change? Do you feel this shift is permanent or circumstancial in some way? What purpose (if any) is there to potentially outdated advice?||

266 Replies
well thanks to you guys i've been exposed to new stuff. i will go out and buy Burberry and Geoshits from Rick Owens :linkDab: :linkDab:
we are not the subreddit
Long coats have to finish around the knee or mid thigh. Very 2012 coded
Also brown footwear not working with black jeans
Quality in Clothes is Concrete, Simple, and Measurable.
Instead, it's something fairly abstract and goes beyond just "stitches per inch" and "gsm of fabric"
that reopening the sub was a good idea
black and navy not working together
2010s MFA was very rule heavy, about what you would expect from Reddit. So I guess the biggest lie was that there’s a bunch of rules that I need to follow to not look like shit.
There’s really only one rule: You gotta put that shit on
Mostly me last year following the basic wardrobe guides and not realizing that I don't need OCDBs and they would look weird on the contexts I'm usually in the meatworld
I'm 21 and I'm on a tech grad in college lol
you mean to tell me my 40.oz denim isnt the peak of clothing
Wait til I get my 30oz hoodie
But r/mfa had some really bad/outdated guides that earlier guides or this discord referenceed (many of which are in the archive now)
The subreddit’s penchant for recommending bizcaz to teenagers was truly a moment of damage to our young ones
Interesting word choice bishop
You incepted me into using penchant instead of tendency there
That any sort of trends are worth following, if you don't vibe with them. See every: 10 essential tchotchkes you NEED this autumn content mill article
I arrived here first so I learned the basics to spot obvious bullshit but there was a "fashionable colors" one that was just the guy being a jerk against magenta in a slighty homophobic way
luckily i'm not a teenager anymore :linkCool: :linkCool:
so good because it was some reactionary bullshit against "streetwear" (we all know what the posters meant by that)
I feel like the sub was even heavier on the “house style” re: being reluctant to accept different styles than the discord (and that’s still something we seem to struggle with).
mistakes were made

I was there, when the strength of men mfa posters failed
The "Yes everyone in your school assumes you're a redditor" fit
No plain white t shirts is a crazy one to try to get away with
I know for a fact you aren’t enforcing that evenly
The sub really was just navy blazer without the majority of the racist connotations there for a while
since I met a lot trans subreddits fashion advice first before this discord I was way more mislead by them but that's another tangent
Every so often I end up on Reddit for some hobby thing and the culture difference is actually so insane
Feels like going back in time like 12 years
Hulk Hogan has always had 'opinions' on black folk, Brother
Paging @pumaturtle
ur telling me a slim fit ocbd and chinos with oxfords isnt peak for my HS math class
Thats what going to company functions feels like tbh
tbf the subreddit turned me onto apc new cures which were cool. it also turned me onto not washing them in high school which meant i smelled like a teenager in too many ways
Yeah I mean I’m in a blue collar job so a lot of the older guys are like that still unfortunately
also another tangential topic but my primary language is portuguese and it's hard as fuck to read anything "men's fashion" because it's all well-meaning bloggers who seemingly just read the 2014 r/mfa guides today and need to tell everyone about it
i was a smelly teen without mfa's help
I never really encountered the subreddit thankfully. Just a load of bad youtube advice.
so when I want to see something on portuguese I just go to fem-oriented fashion spaces and try to see what I can use of the advice lol
Anyway mfa got me to buy pointer chore coat and I only wore that thing for like a month before I admitted it was too small even for me
I didnt get r/mfa advice, but i did get r/rawdenim pilled into a pair of slimfit raws or 2
or 11 :huhh2: :huhh1:
On one of the most trusted blogs I had for other subjects that I just realized had a "fashion" tab, the writer just told everyone to stop using jeans and migrate to black chinos
Oh I wore apc petit standards for like 8 years or something
Now my partner wears them and actually looks good
Stolen fades valor
didn't you have a pair with insanely cool fades/tears that looked great on you still
I mean the fades look good but proportionally wider/higher rise looks better on me
The vintage Levi’s I got from Casey are the slimmest I would go
fortunately I didnt buy slim pants when I first met r/mfa just because the weird transguy guides told me not to
Bishop post time traveling pants
idk if I'll ever fully recover from the quality obsession
id say that my brief runnin with mfa style was a net negative for me... I got alot of clothes which I thought "should" be good based on the brand reputation and price (:harold: ), but basically all of it was bought online with only preliminary concern for fit. Like I checked my measurements obsessively but I dont think they were "good" measurements if that makes sense. I now find myself enjoying the clothes I had before that whole episode more than the mfa inspired ones... i think the main difference was actually putting shit on in the store and being critical of the overall vibe instead of some "set bonus" because the mfa clothes were "supposed" to be good
the shoe king of mfad (beans) is cursed with knowledge
basically this

"Fit is king" "buy it for life" "quality above all else" buys acne skinnies 3 sizes too small
This tweet is about me specifically I can't be convinced otherwise

i still get a bit of this one
Yeah, I want clothes that last a while. I know they are temporary but I still want my clothes to be well constructed and sturdy, even if its reddity
I think the biggest issue for me was reddit's obsession with being "right" in a space where there are very often things that are definitely wrong, but there isn't really a "best".
"Fit is king" but there's only one way stuff should fit. Traditional suiting color matching rules, but applying them to fits with Iron Rangers and raw denim.
I remember teeing off with a_robot_with_dreams in an AMA with folks from Rancourt about why they weren't doing full traditional handsewn construction like Quoddy does.
Feeling so self righteous about collecting pics of QA issues from Alden instead of buying LHS and Indy boots when they cost like $350 instead of $700.
This personality trait of wanting to be "right" all the time isn't just due to reddit and prolly something I should talk about in therapy more but it's one of the main themes I've noticed, especially since moving to the discord where it's much easier to see different styles and honestly ignore the unwashed masses of /r/all while still giving meaningful advice to a wide range of folks, particularly beginners.
Anyway the ocbd love on the sub is bizarre, because nobody wears them IRL. I do like them though
you hit the nail on the head with the attitude thing. Reddit is a really self righteous place about everything
plenty of people wear ocbds
big shirt goated
What the fuck are you talking about lmfao
i wore yesterday
and will today
I mean no one as in they are uncommon
Or their stretch poly-blend equivalent
i see ocbd all the time
Wearing them in HS was definitely the issue. I still think they're the perfect office shirt
Button down collars are really rare at my office
oh u getting technical
they are so phenomenally popular
Button down collars are like the second most common after the regular Kent collar from what I see.
:gigachad: i just mean a shirt with bottons
it is outrageous
Sure, but I've never had someone clock that I'm wearing an ocbd instead of literally any other collared shirt
except maybe a western 🤠
everyone wearing dress shirts and polos
small point collars can be good, actually (contrast with the reddit who was adamant on 3->3.5" collars with a roll and point was no good! spread or button down!)
Where’s Peter griffin
y'all I'm on The Shoe Mart's website on wayback machine and it's like this to younger beans
:xdcrying: guys i dont know the differance of a ocbd and a dress shirt
just buy grant stone and be happy beans
you can go back
oh its the one with oxford cloth and a button down collar
hope this helps
:letemcook: thansk
/srs dress shirt is too nebulous a term
Ocbd gotta be like top five shirt people wear
they're basically alden but made in china because the Grant Stoner had a friend who worked at alden and 3d printed the lasts so they could smuggle them into china as a trade secret to help get them away fromt he clutches of the evil horny cfo who embezzled the money from the hardworking non-union american heroes who make alden shoes out of chicago tanned chromium horween leather which can weather any storm
Tee shirt, ocbd, uhhh ribbed tank, uhhhhhhhh dress shirt, camp collar shirt
In no particular order
the fuck
I hate that i know all of this
i learned so much more about alden and grant stone than i ever wanted to know just now
if i ever buy aldens or allen edmonds or any of these nerd ass shoes im outsourcing all the brain work to you guys
the CFO story is an all timer
Oh I forgot about flannel shirt
kyn it's a fever dream of what i remember people talking about none of it is really true but some of it has elements of truth
Flannel shirt replaces camp collar
t, dress shirt, ribbed tank, flannel, ocbd prolly
rrl flannel camp collar = best of all time
Sports jersey number six
Nothing because I never went there :gigachad:
I see more polo shirts than any other kind 🤷
Anyway back on topic I’m glad I no longer want my chinos to be crazy tight
I saw that algoresky
Do you want to talk about it
Oh I forgot about polo shirt
but i cannot think of a good way to phrase it adaptation
Ocbd still top five tho
the way i wrote it seemed like i thought hedi was good but in fact i think the opposite
‘Mfa told me Hedi was good but he in fact sucks’
Would that work
but i must confess that his one look is good and looks great on a lot of people i just don't like how one note he is which is why i think he sucks
that said dude is the greatest moneymaker of our time in fashion
He started to develop some range in the last few years at Celine! There’s a bunch of cool stuff there that doesn’t look anything like the first 20 years of his career
But yeah he would have been better off as a niche guy doing his one thing than at the center of the fashion industry

all time post
Had no clue you’re a triplet bishop
I killed the other two
Am I stupid or did you reverse the years on that?
How do you magically fix the jeans
He put dye back into them too
Fuck you unfades your raws
iirc those are the years he got the denim
You're telling me an Oxford clothed those buttons down?
Always good to see someone learn how to sew! Superb work!
Your cellphone should be kinda old though
I'm trying to think of any good advice that I take away from mfa
In retrospect the only good advice I saw on the sub was to go to the discord.
I wonder if that's tomorrow's topic
In my 4-5 years of lurking MFA it has been pretty fucking useless outside of content generated by regs like how to breathe or 52 weeks of dressing bc they were all prescriptive/ rote otherwise
If anything I spent most of my time just reading OT
I used like like chronically look at threads like style evolution or pants collection bc it was so interesting actually witnessing people's wardrobes and thought processes than the usually cdb-red wing-j crew circlejerk
I will always associate Zach with his shark bag
It was nice back then that there were rules bc you didn’t need to critically think
You can just parrot the same advice that was given to you
Nowadays there’s a lot more nuance
I remember thinking the mods were stupid for banning info graphics around the time I joined
I do admire the strong vision of folks like jdbee to really try and make sure that r/mfa was a place that beginners felt comfortable. The days of the jdbee info graphics are long gone. But with how many other online fashion spaces turned out, mfa really truly trying to be a place for beginners I think is to be admired
The mods were right
I remember a time when the infographics weren't all that bad actually. They weren't always an image of a bajillion tie knots or yet another matrix of suit/shoe/shirt color combos.
I wonder how much influence the big power posters of 2012 mfa had on the whole world of fashion at that time period
Bc r/mfa was extremely relevant in the worldwide fashion community that period
Well I only ever saw the ones of the tie knots so 🤷
Or the "perfect suit fit" info graphics
yeah the mods were right to ban them when they did, didn't mean to sound so contradictory there
I distinctly remember a few that were "if you wear x try y instead" and those were what set me on this path in the first place lol
That sounds cool
Helping people branch out to find what they like
Steaming hot takes coming through:
"Just buy wide pants, you'll get used to it."
I see this advice given to a lot of new people who don't like on-trend items/cuts. It's rarely true and discourages people from finding a personal style because they feel like their instict is wrong and they need to gaslight themselves into liking what they're supposed to like.
"We don't really give prescriptive advice anymore"
Fashion is just as prescriptive as it was 10 years ago, people are just more ashamed of talking about it now. People will akwardly dance around giving prescriptive advice, or give it and then slap on a passive-aggressive FlexTape™ of "but hey, you do you."
"Timeless style was a lie and we were idiots to believe it"
I know plenty of guys who bought into the trend of timeless style, stuck with it, and are perfectly happy to this day. Fashion communities have a natural selection bias toward enthusiasts who get bored of styles quickly and are always moving onto the next thing, which is great for the community, but it can give the impression that it's the only way that people approach style. It's perfectly feasible to find a style that's timeless to you and step away from fashion satisfied.
"Capes won't be fashionable in 2025"
The biggest lie yet, you'll all see...
so mfa coded
eh it was more of the prescriptive advice of yore, but I was a kid wearing camo cargo shorts and graphic tees that literally had a cartoon opera lady on it that said "It's Over" in 2012.
The graphics were like "instead of cargo shorts, try flat-front chino shorts".
I'm sorry beans
there was actually a pretty good cotw that discussed the mfa dilemma once
how do hobby subreddits have a base of experts to provide advice from if the beginners keep demeaning the experts for actually being hobbyists
If my experience means anything eventually you realize the hobbyists are the only normal people around those parts and you start to slowly let them influence you
"just buy wide pants" is often preceded by a back and forth to the effect of "i'm thinking of wearing wide pants but don't want to look like a teenager/my grandpa/etc" or "i would like to wear this style of clothes that entails the use of wide pants but am worried they aren't aesthetic in some way" AND is usually followed by "see what works for you though, your opinion is what counts" or something similar
But it was exactly the kind of content I wanted at the time! I was off to college and I wanted to dress "better" and there were no other fashion spaces like it. Pinterest, IG, tumblr were so different back then.
Everyone is on a journey and I'm overall happy with mine. I'm also happy that folks coming here can be immediately told to explore so many rich spaces for clothes and styles that they like.
i don't appreciate bad faith interpretations of advice given by people who a) are not participating in said advice giving and b) are content with their own choices that run contrary to the relevant topic (someone wanting or wear wide pants)
i just think that the inherent problem w/ ppl asking for perscriptive advice is that they're all answered by guides or past qnas (reddit history included) and that there's a certain level of laziness implicated by those questions
and that what could be seen as lazy or generic answers are just a response to the fact that questions aren't respecting people's time to begin with
It’s the years I bought each pair, it was a bad way to do it, I took all the pictures the same day, it’s 3 pairs of jeans
but also uh...common projects achilles lows that was a fun ride huh
It is a joke. I'm basically on the same path of learning through mfa as I got to college and evolving over this time
Oops meant to reply to beans
I just have few pictures of myself from the early college years
the majority of questions asked lately are trying to find prescriptive answers to wholly subjective and personal questions
i think it’s usually preceded by someone wearing skinny clothes and wondering why they keep blowing out, are uncomfortable, silhouette isn’t working.
if I've learned anything by being on mfa in some form for the past 12 years, it's that this will never change. And I don't think that's a bad thing. Some folks will read the guides, some people like to participate in a back and forth. I think folks feel more included and interested with the more active participation anyway.
Also, if you're an advice giver, you don't owe anything to people asking the questions. If you're frustrated by it or jaded, you can stop or take a break
i think it's just a big communication/expectation gap bc people asking the questions tend to be a revolving door
like the asker/answerer is approaching how to answer it so fundamentally different
about to start hitting people in q&a with

It’s also a function of fashion being something everyone engages with on some level but the levels of engagement vary immensely
but, and i guess this dovetails into your point, prescriptive advice is less helpful now that people are more cognizant of their own differences and distinctions (which is good!)
it's hard to be prescriptive when the question is "how can level up my style" or something similar because that's largely going to depend on how you see your style and your clothes intersecting with your particular life
I think you just have to make peace with the fact that there will always be people asking for the “right” thing to buy, of course anyone that understands that prescriptive advice is useless won’t ask for it, which just leaves the people who don’t see that to flood Q&A
fwiw i ate up the prescriptive advice like crazy but at the end of the day i would had really appreciated knowing why bc that really held me back from dressing
i would see those color albums and think they must automatically match without thinking abt like hues and shades and whatever
and maybe even then it's just not deep and it's just vibes
but idk i just literally did not see advice that told me slow the fuck down and think
i was 18 so :yea:
I think the irony of prescriptive advice is that whether or not it's good for you is just as personal as any specific choice about your style, and it's something you have to decide for yourself
Actually I think it’s interesting that a beginner only considers colors really for “does this fit with this” where irl it’s one of the less important things to consider imo
So a lot of questions (in text form) are like can I wear black chinos with a gray sweater
i get it though - clothes are firstly a visual mode of communication and color is the easiest way to distinguish differences
Color guides are just difficult/misguided imo
Color theory has to be internalized over time
Or studied at a high level
Like you cannot learn it from reading a jpeg
i think one thing i may have unintentionally gleaned from the sub is how high of a standard i should be having in terms of fit/color choices/items pairing
A lot of dressing just comes with an eye
It’s like photography and art
You have to have a lot of experience recognizing patterns really and one picture can’t do that
whereas in reality either the bar is a lot lower or else it's a hobby and you have a high standard for intrinsic reasons
Why one exception works and another doesn’t
I could be wrong but it also feels like a problem that's fairly unique to MFA. The prescriptive YTers now are targeting a specific group of people. MFA is trying to do a lot of things and be open to questions about archival CdG, the details of shoe construction methods, and folks looking to find a different kind of shirt to wear to the office.
Normally those are all wildly different spaces, but mfa seems to have all of those in one form or another. So to eliminate that gap you need to be more specific in who the space is for and just more strongly signal that the space isn't the right one (shades of "just search the forum, you're wasting our time" type of responses on SF) or just accept the friction
the name implies advice given on any sort of thing - one thing i did appreciate from the sub is a willingness to engage with questions about sizing on Ramones in tandem with what color shoes to wear with their chinos
mind you on reddit stuff would be downvoted into obscurity so that's different
I think the biggest flaw of reddit is that in order to function well for MFA it couldn't be nearly as image-based as other subs like r/watches, r/streetwear, r/malefashion, etc.
You ended up with a lot of people (myself included) that were keyboard fashion experts. It's much much easier to memorize the answers and research stuff like blake vs gyw construction and be "the shoe nerd" rather than posting fit. It's incredible that we can now link multiple channels that are just filled with much richer imagery.
lmao I thought for a second one of the insightful comments got pinned but it's just how loafers ruined my life
I'm happy to pin multiple
nah you're fine, just the timing was funny
i liked mfa a lot because that's where chuck posted his fits
I mean it's right in a funny roundabout way
I think qnas that gets picked out as being bad questions are basically reverse survivorship bias (?) bc they reflect people who did the minimum effort and consequently get the lowest effort answers
But I'm just repeating myself
Like it's almost unreasonable to get frustrated at them
As a chronic overthinker, I have to go into the city and touch grass every so often just to remind myself that the vast majority of people look great despite not meticulously planning their outfits

I think when you're a relatively isolated guy who doesn't get positive feedback or compliments ever, it's easy to be haunted by the idea that your fashion sense is wrong and you made bad decisions. There's something appealing about the tacit approval that comes from being told "These are the right boots, go buy them"
I think the idea that well dressed people are getting complimented left and right is unhealthy bc that’s not really true
Yeah I never get irl compliments despite being the resident mfa house dresser
This is especially prevalent with other collections and hobbies such as fragrance or working out
I def developed an inkling in interest bc I went to a really competitive high school in middle of NYC and all the social signaling is massive
And 90% of my irl compliments are from my friends
The real compliment is 10 dudes in your ig comment section asking what pants are those
But I'm glad that I'm just kinda my own adult with my own appreciation for arts/design
my own curiosity in fashion is more organic and intrinsic compared to when I was around high schoolers who discussed wearing Adidas track pants to get more likes on their pictures
NYC a little different people compliment each other pretty often here ime
The first two times I worn my beams sweater I got ambushed with compliments
I still sold it tho LOL
Compliments don’t equal good fit though it’s just a nice thing that happens some times
Don't do this to me
I feel mortified everytime my friends comment on my fit but for them it's just like interesting how I dress my own way
Nobody ever complimented Starry Night when it was painted
i dressed like shit -> i met zach -> he introduced me to other online fashion people -> they told me i dress like shit -> i learned about stuff -> now i dress like shit but half of my clothes come from japan and like 4 people on here sometimes like it
It’s sad how many people are starved for praise though, like social structure letting us down on that one
Only visit to NY I saw a guy compliment another guys jacket "Nice jacket man". Two complete strangers. It was a beautiful thing.
It also was a nice jacket.
You’re not helping LOL
I'm mostly talking about getting compliments from people close to you. From personal experience, my anxiety around needing the "correct" items disappeared when I had people around me who complimented me, and I was much happier to trust my own judgement
I’ve said nice jacket to so many people, half the time they’re wearing headphones and don’t hear me though
this is like olympic athletes complimenting one another on their level of fitness
Their souls heard you.
Ngl my wife never sees the vision when I’m getting dressed
i try to compliment other people when i like their fits because i like never hear any myself
I’ll be standing in front of the mirror and she’ll come out and just start laughing
the most i heard was from people in atlanta
Yeah it definitely affects self confidence to just never get confirmation that you’re on the right track
because i pulled out all the stops the entire week until i went home
Getting referenced three times in theme waywt probably counts as a solid compliment
I’ve been trying to be more active in giving people that green light when I realized how rare it is
Except reacting in waywt, you gotta work for that
me, waiting for bishop to finally tell me i did good,
i get weird looks when i compliment people in public but i think that's a stigma beyond my scope, hence why i try to do it
Me, 90 years old when bishop reacts my fit
One day I will get more than golf claps in waywt
Bricking reacts was a huge positive motivation for me to figure shit out at the start but I still find it hard to not react to people who are trying.
Even just acknowledgement that you’re leaving an impression on the world is pretty huge and surprisingly rare
felt that
Just a single dumb example but MFA got me to stop wearing white socks for years.
validation is a (basic?) human function so it's understandable to want it, whether we put in a lot of effort or not
i’ve come…somewhat close to hitting highlights before? but that last ten is brutal
I think it's funny how there's subtle indicators for good compliments within mfad
I’ve always been reticent to press interact buttons on social media for whatever reason, don’t take it personally haha
Withholding parents or something ya know
I have an intense aversion to ever wishing anyone happy birthday or anything related bc it feels so performative
I literally never upvoted on Reddit
Well almost literally
I have never liked a facebook post in my entire life
I cannot believe this
that's how I kept track of potential bad posters
I’m a watcher
RES + voting was so good
3rd party not tapping on the glass of the terrarium
this; it still takes gumption to post fit and i respect it
never had to manually create friend tags
since I knew who was a frequent good or bad poster
comments i think are the truer sign of approval for me

It’s so funny though my mom was exasperated last Christmas because my brother and I were being nitpicky and she just said “my god what have I done to my children”
You better come correct if you’re in the vicinity of my family
or the random "oh hey i was inspired by [fit that did not make highlights]" that's always cool and humbling when it occurs
re: compliments
the more you give the more you get. it's math.
And I mean IRL, not here. Here it's easy u just gotta post good
Hello what did I do
Hulk Hogan mentioned
charlie complimented my jacket when i saw y'all on the street 😍
It was a cool jacket!
Also you’re tall as hell took me by surprise haha
Willem dafoe dot gif
Every time we’re out in mid fits we run into someone it’s so fucked
This goddamn city doesn’t let you turn it off
the flow of fashion must be eternal
what’s a mid bishop Charlie fit
Is this what they call an oxymoron
fit pics are the great height equalizer. we're all the same height online 😂
i was starstruck dw
Everyone assumes Charlie is like 6 foot from pictures haha
Upvotes, I blame upvotes for encouraging 'being right'
hollywood hogan baybee
anyway I know discussion is running its course but the biggest lie MFA told me was that I’d be wearing the same stuff now that I bought 10 years ago if the qUalItY and FiT were good, ignoring changing tastes and stuff like that
buuuut it was one of the most influential spaces on my life and overall a net big positive. Love ya MFA!
wouldn’t be where I am now without all you guys
The lie mfa told me is that if you have 6e width feet and own 15 white tshirts you're also a sugar-baby.
Aren’t you literally wearing the same stuff that you were wearing in the 60s
I, for one, welcome our new cape-wearing overlords
For me, “just buy kids clothes and own it!” …if you’re a short dude don’t do this unless you’re okay with the clothing falling apart on you
Also the fit for a short adult man and the fit for an average young teenager is wildly different
damn that's crazy if there was only some way you could use measurements to determine if a garment would fit
did someone say capes
ugh I read that one a lot and it's the worst
there are things that teens fashion do not have
my actual short guy goats in no order:
- thrift and ask the shopkeeper for their smallest outfits
- buy the smallest size and hem it (check for fit on shoulders)
- get in touch with a tailor or seamstress and have everything custom-made (second/third-world goat since labor is cheap and imports are expensive)
- look for shops online with special sizes
- designer brands/on-demand brands usually have smaller sizes as well
- proxy from japan or china (heard of but never tried it)
- buy women's clothing (straight cuts unless you're extra fancy)
Proxying is so easy
i was an r/streetwear kid so i was never particularly affected by much of the prescriptive advice except the color ones for some reason (no brown and black, no navy and black etc)
for years i didn't wear brown n black but brown and black is sick as hell
It’s funny that those made it over there because they’re like dork suiting rules
yeah it's really weird tbh, i think seeing jan jan for the first time in like 2018 cured me of my brown and black dont mix mindset
One day I’ll find some accessible jive
I like to react peoples posts cause maybe it will make them happy
Typically kids’ clothes are significantly less specific in their measurements, so someone who is too short to fit into men’s pants, for instance, is going to struggle to tell what a kids’ size means when it isn’t listed as a waist/inseam set of numbers
Similar thing applies to telling short men to try women’s clothing — god help you if you need to figure out what a size 6 pant actually is, even if you have 5 other brands’ size 6 pants
This is pretty much what I’ve found works, with the addition of making some items myself
Going to be visiting Japan relatively soon as a belated graduation trip, so I’m hoping to pick up some good clothes there
that specific issue isn't limited to short men fwiw
I just try it out on person
online shopping has measurements guides that are usually much clearer for adult women than for children
my issue wasnt even durability
it was just style
Jealous of short kings being able to buy Kapital denim tbh
have you considered looking for kapital denim in longer lengths? hope this helps
Thanks for the advice, actually found these 36" inseam ones online:

yo wtf
The smoking pikachu is such a weird choice
It's a mood
Pikachu can have a lil ciggy as a treat